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Manipulations & Exceptions – One-Dimensional Thinking

QUESTION: Some analysts “expect that the u.s. treasury will keep interest rates low for many years. they quote japan`s so-called “lost decade” as a precendant and appear to expect that such artificial supression will in fact work ( obviously against what you consider “market forces”). which poses the question: does japan`s “lost decade” conform to the ECM […]

Observing Things Do Change

It is time we stop taking Prozac to make it appear normal. The more things change, the more they very much remain the same. There are trends that exist in everything. There have been discoveries such as the Cocaine Mummies of Egypt that demonstrate the history of humankind has been created within prejudices that bind our […]

The NY Untouchables Warn Obama About No Defaults Or Else

The real “Men in Black” who oversee the US government, the European troika of the IMF, ECB and EU who blew up Greece , Ireland, Iceland and are still working on Portugal, Spain, Italy and Austria (just to mention a few), are warning Obama that he better not default on the debt for political gamesmanship. […]

Today’s Closings

In the Dow Jones Industrials, the index would only yield a sell signal on a month-end closing below 13890. On the Cash S&P500 we are looking at 1340 for a sell signal. In Gold we need a month-end close above 1620 and a sell signal comes in below 1321. In Silver we need a closing […]

Greece The Rise of Nationalism – To Be Expected

History repeats because the passions of mankind never change. Hitler was able to seize power following the 1918 Communist Revolution in Germany that set the stage for economic disaster. Destroy the economy from foreign sources, and you will get the same reaction. This is why it was so vital to go after the NY bankers […]


QUESTION: Marty, Is it true to say that… If we run the printing presses full-bore, then inflate, we will then be able to at least re-boot with a new currency and start again BUT… We are on the path of going on the mother of all tax hunts, causing catastrophic deflation and being on a trajectory toward the Mad Max scenario? In other words, neither are pretty […]


QUESTION: “You have said in your blog that stocks and real estate (tangibles) are the place to be but you also mention deflation. … Can we really have inflating asset prices and deflation at the same time — or are you saying the deflation comes down the road,after 2015.75 (when we will pray for hyperinflation)? ANSWER: We are […]

NSA Has Undermined the World Economy

Snowden deserves the Medal of Honor because the NSA in their greed to be able to hack everyone, has undermined the entire economy globally. They created intentional weak links in security software that they could break and placed at risk the entire world economy because they were too stupid to realize that leaving back-doors open […]

Collectables – Still Strong

The US rare coin market remains strong and is a “movable” asset class as is the case with ancient coins. A rare US $4 dollar “Coiled Hair Stella” gold coin from 1880 was auctioned at Bonhams in Los Angeles on Monday, bringing  $2.5 million, or $1 million more than expected. The coin contains six grams […]

Here We Go Again

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) filed a complaint against Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley Capital I Inc, Barclays, JPMorgan Chase & Co’s unit Bear Stearns, Credit Suisse Group, Royal Bank of Scotland Group and UBS sold faulty securities to Southwest and Members United corporate credit unions. Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Wachovia Corp, a unit of Wells […]