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Latest Scandal – Rolling Stone Reveals Frontrunning

It is interesting that a magazine the Rolling Stone is often in front of the mainstream media when it comes to scandal. Matt Taibbi has been exposing a lot over the years. He first came to my attention with his article of The Great American Bubble Machine he published back in 2009. He did Too-Big-to-Fail Takes Another Body […]

Dow Components are Changing

The Dow components are changing effective September 23rd. Goldman Sachs (GS) , Visa (V) and Nike (NKE) are in. Alcoa (AA), Bank of America (BAC), and Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) are out.

Swiss move to End Bank Proprietary Trading

While Goldman Sachs is trying to launch TV ads championing their efforts to fund companies, they still cling to their proprietary trading. Now in Switzerland both the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) and the left-wing are mounting a new efforts to end proprietary trading in UBS and Credit Swiss by breaking up the banks. The Lower-house lawmakers […]

Agencies Never Obey the “LAW”

QUESTION: Agents are simply free to interpret law as they desire? They can seize even gold in a safe deposit box? ANSWER: Sorry to say – YES! (see Lack of Rule of Law Destroys Business). They are not doing it yet – but they are laying the ground work for that. It is unlikely that […]

Are They Going After Safe Deposit Boxes?

QUESTION: Is it now illegal to store cash and gold in a safety deposit box? ANSWER: They have not yet enacted an actual law prohibiting the storage of “money” in a safe deposit box. The problem is surfacing because of “interpretation” of laws with broad scopes. If you have $5,000 in cash in your pocket, […]

Dirty Dealing on Syria in Washington

The only key Arab nations supporting Obama are Saudi Arabia and Qatar and that is all about the pipeline blocked by Syria. There are even rumors that the Cyprus event was used to cripple Russians and cut-off their eventual access to a huge gas field there yet to be brought into production. If the Russians […]

Lack of a Rule of Law Destroys Businesses

Small business is far too often the victim of nasty state tax collectors who seem to live to destroy jobs and businesses so they climb the ladder to get gold stars. New York State attacked the Melleadys who opened a Philly Pretzel franchise. The state tax collectors are free to interpret the laws any way they […]

Market Recap

    A closing today below 14806 in the Dow Jones Industrials will warn that we should see lower lows in September. The important support lies at 14450. A closing beneath this level will warn of a more dramatic decline of a serious nature. In Gold, we need a closing above 1425 to signal a […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]

Capital Flows – The 4.3 Year Directional Change & Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: I have been following your articles but I am confused by your latest few articles. Previously you were mentioning that there will be a flight to quality as US has the largest debt market in the world. You also mentioned that this flight of quality will worsen the debt crisis in US into 2015.75. However, […]