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Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary

Trump’s Tweet that Obama was engaged in “wiretapping” the Trump campaign. The New York Times had the audacity to put on the front page saying there is no proof. The evidence is rather overwhelming that the Obama Administration did in fact use its power to engaged directly into the very same goals of Watergate. This […]

Lana Del Rey turn to Witchcraft to Get Rid of Trump While Protesters are the Pawns of Special Interests

The singer  Lana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency. She Tweeted: “At the stroke of midnight, Feb 24, March 26, April 24, May 23… Ingredients can be found online.” The cryptic message is all about witchcraft.  These dates line-up with the ‘waning crescent moon ritual dates’,  which are the […]

The Trump Valentines

Bill Clinton & Abraham Lincoln Were Elected with Less of the Popular Vote than Trump

Obama has clearly set up a shadow government and the Democrats are hell-bent upon obstructing everything and they intend to effectively overturn the Republicans. This is no longer politics as usual where we simply accept who is president and move on. The Democrats are fighting for their Marxist agenda and are intent upon subjugating the […]

California Begs for Money from Trump On the one hand it would be nice to see Trump tell California go ask Mexico for aid since Trump is NOT their President. The California debt and unfunded liabilities exceeded $400 billion last year without a prayer of reducing this crisis. The California pension liabilities are way undervalued for they are based […]

Trump v 9th Circuit

QUESTION: You said Trump should concede that his immigration order does not apply to people already with green cards and visas. Your position seems to be practical. Was the order properly written and interpreted? Thanks PY ANSWER: The order was not written by anyone who understands Constitutional Law in my “opinion” for it should have […]

Why Trump should not Nominate Judge Gorsuch

President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, has shown he is deeply biased and not qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. His nomination should now be withdrawn. Judge Gorsuch told the New York Times privately expressing “dismay” they reported over Trump’s Tweet regarding Judge James Robart when he wrote:  “The opinion of this […]

9th Circuit Rules Against Trump? Really?

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled to continue blocking enforcement of President Trump ’s travel ban. They did NOT strike it down. This is a procedural order granting a STAY until all the ramifications are decided. The unanimous decision of the Court of Appeals simply means that a stay preventing a ban […]

Trump & Gold Standard

  Trump has surrounded himself with a few people who believe that a new Bretton Woods conference will be necessary and they wrongly believe that a return to a gold standard will be beneficial. What they fail to comprehend is that we have had many gold standards in the past and they all failed. Why? […]

Trump Should Launch a Criminal Investigation of the NOAA – NOW!

The NOAA has been putting out bogus studies that contradict by scientists at the United Nation who said there was a “pause” in global warming. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said there was no discernible warming since 2000 in its 2013 report. They wrote that global temperatures showed a “much smaller increasing linear […]