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Market Talk – November 1, 2023

    ASIA:   The Bank of Japan has removed its 10-year bond yield ceiling of 1%, challenging the long-standing belief in a central bank ‘put.’ This belief, dating back to the days of Alan Greenspan, suggested that central banks like the Federal Reserve would always step in to support falling asset markets with monetary […]

Market Talk – October 31, 2023

  ASIA:   China’s economy faces instability post-lockdown, with slowed trade and a substantial $9 trillion debt burden. Additionally, there’s a concerning issue with employing young college graduates, as the youth unemployment rate for ages 16 to 24 reached a record 21% in May 2023, compared to the US rate of 7.4% in the same […]

Iran Demands the Removal of Starlink – Could Governments Repel These Satellites?

We know why Israel is upset with Elon Musk for sending Starlink services to Palestine, but now Iran is also demanding that he remove the satellites. Truth is always the first casualty in war. Governments are censoring absolutely everything to prevent the truth from spreading. Iranian journalism is non-existent and people rely on social media […]

Mike Pence Out of Presidential Race

Mike Pence has dropped out of the presidential race after receiving little support from his own party. Sunday must have been a sad day for the Neocons as no one craved war more than Mike Pence. Pence became the first candidate to visit Zelensky in Ukraine, offering unwavering support. “I have no doubt that if […]

$105 Billion Military Aid Bill Breakdown

America added an additional $105 billion in military spending on top of the $886 billion military budget set to be approved by Congress. We are spending far more on securing Israel and Ukraine than our own border. The bill will provide $13.6 billion in funding to secure the US-Mexico border, which is nothing compared to […]

Business Deportations

The world will become a more hostile place in the months ahead as we move toward 2024. Governments have identified their enemies that have embedded themselves within Western society. First, governments will ask businesses owned by unfriendly nations to leave, and next, they will target individuals. Syngenta has owned 160 acres of farmland in Arkansas […]

Market Talk – October 26, 2023

ASIA:   China kept its benchmark lending rates unchanged in line with market expectations during the monthly fixing. The one-year loan prime rate (LPR) remained at 3.45%, and the five-year LPR was steady at 4.20%. This decision was influenced by economic data indicating a stabilizing economy and a weaker yuan, limiting the need for further […]

Market Talk – October 25, 2023

  ASIA: China plans to implement a new round of fiscal stimulus to support its economic recovery, utilizing a well-established strategy that relies heavily on debt and state spending. This approach lacks the more profound reforms suggested by a growing number of analysts. Some government advisers propose raising the 2024 budget deficit target beyond the […]

Market Talk – October 24, 2023

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 62.80 points or 0.20% to 31,062.35 Shanghai increased 22.95 points or 0.78% to 2,962.24 Hang Seng decreased 180.60 points or -1.05% to 16,991.53 ASX 200 increased 12.80 points or 0.19% to 6,856.90 Kospi increased 26.49 points or 1.12% to 2,383.51 […]

Lindsey Graham – Ready to Declare War on Iran?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for educating us about the Neocons. Your special report opened my eyes and should be taught in school. Lindsey Graham, on your list of Neocons, seems to be ignorant of anything to do with the Middle East. His Meet the Press was virtually a push to declare war on […]