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Tulsi Gabbard is Right – The Democratic Party is a Cabal of Warmongers

Tulsi Gabbard, former representative for Hawaii’s second district, announced that she is fleeing the Democratic Party in a video that has made waves across the internet. The Democratic Party has radically transformed to “a cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness,” Gabbard said. The party has altered its views to such a far-left point that […]

The Madman of Ukraine in High Heels

COMMENT: Hi Martin It is obvious that Zelensky does not have a brain and is being controlled by outside forces. Is it Schwab or is he just a front also? You probably know more than what is going on than anyone else including intelligence. Thank you All the best MW REPLY: I cannot say everything […]

Russia v USA

Reports are coming in from a protest in Moscow against the United States after the Ukrainian attack upon the Crimea Bridge Saturday. Russians are calling for nuking Washington DC. No matter what country you go to, there is always going to be a pro-government and an anti-government position. The Ukrainian propaganda keeps claiming that some […]

The Japan Outlook

QUESTION: Marty, I greatly appreciate all you do to try to prevent this war cycle. You have said many times Socrates beats you. With missiles flying over Japan here, what do you see ahead? AS ANSWER: Nice to hear from you. It does not look very good. A year-end closing below 6805 will warn of […]

Global Egg Shortage

You know the situation is becoming dire when staple food items are no longer on the shelves. France is currently experiencing an egg shortage, and it is the largest egg producer in the Eurozone. The 1,500 billion eggs seen in production in 2021 are expected to decline for the first time on record this year. […]

Market Talk – October 5, 2022

ASIA:   Business sentiment among Japanese manufacturers worsened for a third straight quarter from July to September, according to a survey by the central bank, as the world’s third-largest economy struggled with rising costs, a slumping yen and pandemic restrictions. The business outlook for major manufacturers fell to plus-8 in September from plus-9 in June, […]

North Korea Joins the Party

It is amazing to me that we seem to have complete idiots driving these events and they think that they can just intimidate whoever. All my sources state clearly that China and North Korea will join Russia against this climate change and authoritarian vision of a one-world government. Biden is incompetent and he just said […]

Comment from Europe

COMMENT From Europe: There is another side to the pipeline explosions also. There is growing dissatisfaction among average Europeans over electricity prices and gas prices. Normal people that don’t have any connections with either Russia or Ukraine and do not care if Donbas and Crimea belong to Russia or any other nation. Europeans just want […]

West’s Desperate Play for War – Blowing Up The Pipelines

The sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipelines was most likely accomplished with US intelligence. Not only is the Biden Administration intent on ending fossil fuels, but this was a strategic maneuver on how to wage war. Just as adversaries would counterfeit each other’s currencies in a desperate measure to undermine their economy to strip them […]

Welcome to the New Age of Volatility

The world is entering a crisis in confidence. First we had the COVID manufactured crisis, that spawned the Energy Crisis, and now we are entering the Currency Crisis phase. As I have said, we have the worst possible of incompetent world leaders I have ever witnesses in my life. With all the talking heads on […]