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Funds Management & Trading – Behind the Curtain

QUESTION: Hello I read all your blogs and prescribe to your market reports. I will now attend my first event in Rome. For me it all makes sense. My questions is, which you must have gotten before, why don’t you offer a fund that is based on Socrates, so that we all your followers could invest […]

Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power

There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process? Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today — global cooling. On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which […]

Stagflation Versus Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Reading your posts it seems to me you disagree with the pending hyperinflation forecasts.  What do you see coming then? PH ANSWER: Hyperinflation comes when two primary requirements are met: (1) there is a complete collapse in the confidence of the government; (2) the government can no longer borrow and can only create money to […]

The Business Cycle & Why They Pretend it Cannot be Forecast

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have studied you Economic Confidence Model and found it to be extremely accurate in forecasting the business cycle. When I showed it to my professor here at ——— he responded that itis impossible to forecast the business cycle. He would not even engage in a conversation about it. Why are they […]

UN Admits Paris Accord Will Never Work

The latest on the global warming front is a UN report on the “emissions gap” that admits the Paris Accord would never work. The UN has admitted that the environmentalists have made dire forecasts that assumed whatever trend was in motion would remain in motion. They ignored all other evidence and cycles. Even if every […]

The Deep Freeze – Chicago is Colder than Antarctica

  Chicago is now even colder that Antarctica with wind-chill factors at 70 below zero. What really astonishes me is that nature is never responsible for anything. Somehow, we are always to blame. This attitude seems to be exceptionally arrogant for we are more powerful than nature and to presume so we must assume that […]

Market Talk- January 11, 2019

Last minute positivity in the US was released into Asia and we saw all core markets open higher. The Nikkei gained 1% on the day, even with poor economic data. The Economy watchers Index (Household Spending) released at 48% compared to the 50.5% expected. Previously, this number was recorded at 51, so was already written […]

Climate Change & the Blame Game has been going on Since the 1890s

COMMENT: I really get annoyed by people who say well it has been warm here so what happens elsewhere is irrelevant. They are idiots and cannot see the whole and just want to blame humans for everything. I can see how our situation is hopeless when it comes to climate change. All the best JS ANSWER: […]

The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one bedrock foundation – unbiased computer analysis. These forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. There are plenty of people who seek to argue but fail to understand it is NOT ME! Just because someone claims […]

EU Demand a 37.5% Reduction in CO2 Output from Cars by 2030

The EU has shocked the auto industry and came out based upon this new round of forecasts that humans will be extinct by 2050. Cars must now become considerably more climate-friendly by 2030. The carbon dioxide emissions of new cars must fall by 37.5% compared to 2021. The negotiators of the EU member states and the European […]