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Gold & the Perpetual Nasty E-mails

Gold closed at 1094.10 holding the Weekly Bearish Reversal at 1084 once again. The nasty emails have come in already asking, “Where’s the bounce?” It seems there are some people who hate me so much that they live to try to prove me wrong; I suppose to make themselves feel better that they’re out of their minds. […]

Gold – Still Holding For Now

The trading range is defined by our Daily Bearish Reversals at 1080 below and 1109 above. The Energy Models are improving and a closing outside of this range will signal what we are getting into for September. Technical analysis on the monthly level for August stands at 1104, so the technicals are confirming the Reversals […]

Gold & the Commodity DEFLATIONARY Wave

Gold remains extremely weak. We need a daily closing above 1108 to say the low is temporarily in place and a bounce back up is possible. The 1080 level is critical support on a daily closing basis, and it remains possible that gold can break to the downside moving into September if the July low […]

The View on Gold and Silver

QUESTION: Thanks for the latest posts.I have 3 queries if you care to consider them. Some years ago you used to say $5000 and $12000 when contemplating gold’s upside.Now the latter seems out of reach.Can you indicate what caused you to change your mind? Secondly, regarding a possible Republican Presidential victory, does this correlate with a […]

Gold – What Now?

Gold elected the Monthly Bearish at 1155 and we did so well below that level, holding the 1084 number both weekly and monthly. Our energy models are turning positive, so it does not appear that we will have major follow-through at this time. When you elect a Bearish Reversal that far from the number, you […]

Gold: How High is High?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your timing has been incredible. It is becoming clear that your forecasts are time and price which are separate. You have opened my eyes to a whole new way to observing the world. Do you think gold will still reach $5,000 after 2016? Thanks so much RB ANSWER: Yes, but as I have stated […]

Gold Has NOT Bottomed Yet

Gold elected a Monthly Bearish Reversal today at 1155. We have some support down at the 1042 level for now. Technical support for August lies at the 1029 level. We will be issuing the update on gold for those who purchased last year’s report by the end of the month to cover the downside. This […]

The Supply Side of Gold

A gold standard has never worked for one primary reason: the “money supply” cannot increase based upon economic conditions or politicians, rather it can increase due to new discoveries. This introduces the same flow concerned fiat money. The 19th century was plagued by the gold discoveries in California, Alaska, and Australia. Likewise, the discovery of […]

The Flight from Gold

To make a market peak in a phase transition, the 99% must be bullish. Likewise, to create the low, the 99% have to be bearish. This is simply the way markets function. Now we begin to see the bearishness rise in the precious metals because quite frankly, the gold promoters put out such total bullshit […]

Gold: The Pending Question

Gold Room Fort Knox QUESTION: Martin, With your recent comments on gold; you seem to be implicitly suggesting people to sell their gold, since there is a good chance for it to bottom-out at a sub-$1000 level. Wouldn’t it make far more sense to hold onto it at least till November? 1) We don’t know for […]