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NSA is Impacting Everything – Mass Migration Underway

The number of companies and people moving out of the USA to safe servers outside the country is skyrocketing. Many are discovering the safe haven for internet systems is now Switzerland being outside the USA and EU both who cannot be trusted because they are hunting money not terrorists. Additionally, Google has cooperated […]

German tourists to be protected by German Police in Greece!

The crazy situation for Greece and Cyprus is their essential reliance upon tourism. To try to keep the German tourists, Greece is allowing German Police to protect German tourists in Greek Airports. This is a direct attempt to try to save the tourism revenue.

Paranoid or Conservative

Securing Phone Calls and Emails should no longer be for the paranoid, but good old fashion conservative business & personal practices as long as people line Feinstein pretend to represent people instead of the government institution. We have no control over her. She was sent to do “God’s Work” like Goldman Sachs.   The problem […]

NSA Surveillance – No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The NSA is storing absolutely everything. Every time you type a search into Google, the NSA knows. This is what the storage in Utah is all about. If you would like to see our old site from 1999 just click here and enter There is an archive of the entire web year by year. […]

Civil Unrest Rising in Germany

In Germany, violent clashes with police have emerged as protesters against the policies of the ECB have erupted. The politicians cannot see what they are doing. By authorizing the reestablishment of borders, then precisely what is left of the whole idea of the Euro other than to save money on exchange fees with one currency. […]


The Washington Post has uncovered yet more NSA surveillance. They are tapping directly into the internet and monitoring what everyone is doing all the time. They are extracting whatever they want, according to the document obtained by the Washington Post: “Collection directly from the servers of these U.S. Service Providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, […]

Russia Begins Collecting Data from international airlines passengers

The Russian government plans to follow the USA collecting extensive data on all foreign airline passengers in the future. The scheme applies to all airlines which fly to Russia or even fly over that land mass.

Greek Crisis Will Get Far Worse

Greece was directed by the EU troika to reduced 4,000 civil servants by the end of 2012, but only reduced the workforce by 99. By the end of 2013 they were supposed to reduce another 15,000. We are looking a significant civil unrest and perhaps a revolution that results in just a default. That would […]

The Growing Shadow Economy – Politicians Just Don’t Get It

In the EU, some 30 million people work in the shadow economy. The Scandinavian countries are surprisingly higher than the OECD average. The reason is that high taxes are difficult for many business problems. Small and medium businesses can business to be profitable only in a black market.    

Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

The key problem on a global scale has been the sheer arrogance of government in the Western so called “democratic” regions. People are starting to wake up and realize that we do not live in a democracy but republics and we remain without a voice. Once these people take power, they stop all consultation with […]