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2016 World Economic Conference Tickets Available Now

Thursday, November 10, 2016:
2016 Institutional World Economic Conference

Friday, November 11, 2016:
Technical Analysis Seminar

Saturday & Sunday, November 12-13, 2016:
2016 World Economic Conference

Draghi at War with Reason & Other Central Banks

Tensions are starting to rise between Germany and the ECB because Draghi will not admit his negative interest rates are causing an economic meltdown. “We continue to expect them (interest rates) to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time, and well past the horizon of our net asset purchases.” Draghi is absolutely […]

The Dow – Breaking Out Again?

The Dow Jones took out the Weekly Bullish but not the key one at 17846. This is why we are basing without immediate follow-through. Nonetheless, our primary technical targets for the year stand at 17345, 18791 and 18880. Holding the 17345 level warns that we are still move to the upside. A weekly closing above […]

Fed Admits it is the World’s Central Bank – not just the USA Central Bank

Janet Yellen signaled that the Fed is grappling with the problem I have been warning about: the dollar has become the de facto currency and the Fed is indeed becoming the world’s central bank. Yellen has admitted that everyone is lobbying the Fed to surrender its domestic policy objectives for international ones. This is precisely […]

Press & Politicians Are The Problem

The elitist press are starting to realize that they are the problem. “Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages, lost dreams. The American system is not working for them, so naturally they are looking for something else. Moreover, many in the media, especially me, did not understand how […]

The ECB – A Victim of its own Ignorance?

“Rates will stay low, very low, for a long period of time and well past the horizon of our purchases,” Draghi declared. “From today’s perspective and taking into account the support of our measures to growth and inflation, we don’t anticipate that it will be necessary to reduce rates further.” The ECB cut its main interest […]

Lagarde – Wants to Raise Retirement Age & Taxes

Christine Lagarde remains at the IMF as one of three Troika members because she is a Socialist. She is now on board with raising both the retirement age and taxes while closing all borders to the movement of capital. She is also pushing behind the curtain for the SDR to replace the dollar, and then […]

Advice for Trump

QUESTION: What advice would you give to Donald Trump?

Interest Rates

QUESTION: Marty; as you know I have worked on the bond desk and am now looking to get out and retire. You are so right. The 10 year is the old 30 year and nobody buys the 10 year with any expectation of holding it for 10 years. The debt has been sold only because of […]

Rising Systemic Risk for All Markets

We are on the precipice of what can only be described as a rising systemic risk for all markets. The Fed is now hinting that banks should prepare for NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES. This insanity of following the crowd is undermining the entire world economy. The increasingly unstable footing that we find ourselves standing on is reflected in widening credit […]