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The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

  The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the […]

Market Talk – June 21, 2022

ASIA: Australia’s top central banker on Tuesday flagged a lot more policy tightening ahead as rates were still “very low” and it was important that higher inflation did not feed into public expectations and wage claims. Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Governor Philip Lowe warned price pressures continued to build both globally and domestically and […]

Robbing Russians = You Are Next?

Governments are pulling off a major profound theft. They have been violating international law robbing individual Russians with no connection to Ukraine on the pretense that this will somehow put pressure on Putin to leave Ukraine. But the US has been funding the civil war against Russian-Ukrainians in the Donbas. Western Ukrainians simply hate Russians […]

Controlled Chaos at the Border

A border patrol agent from Uvalde, Texas, admitted that the situation at the US-Mexico border is worse than the mainstream media is reporting. The mainstream media may cause one to believe that a few desperate people in search of the American dream are crossing the border throughout the week. In reality, THOUSANDS of undocumented immigrants […]

Is the WEF Running Canada?

  The Canadian National Post has reported on the rising concern that the World Economic Forum is making all the calls as to what the Canadian government should do. They admitted that this question has “gained remarkable currency among Canadian[s]” particularly since the events of the Freedom Convoy. While they concluded that the WEF is […]

Market Talk – June 2, 2022

ASIA: India has allowed wheat shipments of 469,202 tonnes since banning most exports last month, but at least 1.7 million tonnes is lying at ports and could be damaged by looming monsoon rains, Reuters reported. Shipments that have been allowed moved mainly to Bangladesh, the Philippines, Tanzania and Malaysia, said a senior government official, who […]

Market Talk – May 31, 2022

ASIA: China’s factory activity fell at a slower pace in May as COVID-19 curbs in major manufacturing hubs eased, but movement controls continued to weigh on demand and production, raising concerns about economic growth in the second quarter. The official manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) rose to 49.6 in May from 47.4 in April, the […]

Gun Control After Texas

QUESTION: After Texas, what reforms would you advise if any? GH ANSWER: There will be those who immediately advocate ending private gun ownership. They have no idea what they are talking about for real criminals do not buy their guns in stores. Much of the weapons the United States hands out in various countries to […]

Market Talk – May 27, 2022

ASIA: The Indian government is likely to stick to its fiscal deficit target as specified in the budget, and there may not necessarily be a need for increased government borrowing just yet, governor Shaktikanta Das said in an interview on Monday. Experts said the moves would likely increase fiscal concerns and raise doubts about the […]

Soros Promoting World War III – Let’s Go!

  The pieces are starting to come together in this grand plot to fulfill George Soros’ dream – One World Government. After Soros’ speech at Davos, there are a lot of people of all faiths flocking to a Catholic Church to light a candle and pray for the rapid death of this cantankerous ‘old codger’ who […]