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Has Bakhmut Fallen? Zelensky the Real War Criminal

There are yet unconfirmed reports that the head of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced late on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023. that his forces have raised the Russian flag over the administration building of the town of Bakhmut in Ukraine. There is no question that Bakhmut will fall. Zelensky has sent over 100,000 men […]

Neocon Always Lose – But They Are Never Down for the Count

QUESTION: Marty, I am really in shock. You put out the Ukrainian Model and stated in your March 6, 2022 post a year ago: “I have warned that our Model of Ukraine was turning down as of January 6th, 2022. However, in addition to this, we are approaching also the 31.4 years (Pi Cycle) which […]

Earn Six Figures Without Working

  The US government has been on a spending spree over the past few years and there is absolutely no way they can ever pay the bill. Federal spending hit $4.45 trillion in 2019 in the wake of the pandemic, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). That figure hit $6.21 trillion as of the latest report, […]

Trump is Indicted – This May Backfire in Spades

Donald Trump is now the first former US president to face criminal charges after a grand jury in New York has voted to indict him on charges related to hush money payments to an adult film star. President Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), 29th President of the United States (1921-1923), has gone down as perhaps the worst […]

China – US – Claimed Territory – One China Policy

QUESTION:  China’s claimed territory??? So China can claim the entire Pacific as their territory and that means we can’t enter the Pacific??? DF ANSWER: Whatever China claims is really irrelevant. Up until recently, we did not push the limits and China did not expand its claims. We all agreed to disagree but took no action. […]

Has the US Gone to DEFCON 3?

NATO has effectively declared war on Russia hiding behind Ukrainian surrogates. Ukraine launched new versions of their marine drones in an attempt to sink the Russian Fleet base in Sevastopol. They were blown up just before hitting Russian ships as the Russians managed to intercept them. The Russians know that these attacks are carried out […]

the 1933 Bank Holiday – Can it Happen Again?

QUESTION: Marty there are a lot of people who seem to be trying to create a panic. Some are claiming the stock market will plunge by 50%. Others are saying nothing will survive other than gold. It seems like none of these people have any sense of what is really unfolding. They were saying the […]

South Africa’s Power Grid is Failing

South Africa is desperate for allies, economic allies. The country is failing and the people are suffering. There is international outrage right now misdirected at South Africa for its desire to host the Bric summit with Russia, China, Brazil, and India. The International Criminal Court (ICC) wants to arrest Putin for his war crimes, and […]

Alvan Bragg & the Destruction of the United States

If Donald Trump is arrested or even indicted by this personally motivated prosecutor in New York City, this is not just un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals, the United States has fallen so far that there is no coming back. Ukraine routinely impressions political rivals because it […]

We Are in the COMPLEXITY & The Collapse of International Law

  We are in the middle of a convergence of so many crises it is hard to keep track. The SWAMP in Washington has always been out of control. There is even a bill being introduced to make it illegal for congressmen and their spouses or family members to be trading on inside information. It […]