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Cyprus Bail-In 47.5%

The Cyprus Bail-In seems to be coming in as 47.5%. Keep in mind that the loss is due to the banks holding debt from Greece that the EU promised would never happen. The entire European Banking System is at tremendous risk. Aside from the issue of proprietary trading that went sour as in New York, […]

Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul

During April 1795, in the 3rd year of the French Republic, the National Assembly created a new currency. From now on, the franc was to be the standard coin in France. The franc was one of the most modern currencies of the time, for it was divided decimally: 1 franc was equal to 10 decimes […]

Economic Collapse Produces A Surge of Reform

A number of people have asked: What do you expect after 2015.75? Is it possible that the shift in capital after the turning point would be an early move back into gold? That you so much for explaining hyperinflation and deflation. People do not appreciate how economic shocks are always followed by economic reforms. The […]

Britain Brings Criminal Charges in LIBOR Fraud

Unlike the USA, the British courts and legal process are not as in bed with the bankers as they are in New York. They have brought to court today on criminal charges former brokers charged with conspiracy in the LIBOR interest rate fraud that continues to expand. This stands in stark contrast to the policy […]

Honesty from Bernanke – Refreshing

Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee who would never prosecute Goldman Sachs because they would all love to get an honorary job there for retirement, that the new rules being imposed are justified. “Unsafe practices by large financial institutions pose a risk not just to themselves but to the rest of society,…”. “In setting policy we […]

Previous Conference Materials

  1985 World Economic Conference Materials Tokyo Conference 4-22-98 TOKYO March 1999 Seminar Slides  [wpvideo LV5q7yQA] Berlin – December 1 & 2 San Diego – September 22nd & 23rd, 2012 Bangkok – November 2nd & 3rd Bangkok Rotary Club Speech Nov 6th, 2012 Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference Philadelphia, March 16th, 2013  Seat $200 World Economic […]

Ancient Coins

Many people have written asking how we were able to reconstruct the monetary history of Rome. We built one of the most comprehensive collections ever assembled much of which is outlined in our Monetary History of the World segment. The purpose of assembling such a massive collection was to be able to see the rise […]

So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true […]

Microsoft – Why NASA Dumped Windows & Why Skype Must Be Dumped

Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users’ communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency (NSA) to circumvent the company’s own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian. After digging into Microsoft’s Windows 8, I became very alarmed that the Start Screen was reporting back to […]

Return of Glass-Steagall

There are a group of Senators who want to bring back Glass-Steagall separating commercial banks from investment banks. That was removed by Goldman Sachs’ Robert Rubin under Bill Clinton. Nevertheless, the Fed is already advising banks that they will not insure losses on the trading side. The Fed has been advising banks they will only […]