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Why the Survelience is Very Dangerous

The cover-up that is coming out of the White House is serious. Claiming nobody is listening to your phone calls is irrelevant – computers do and they are not being destroyed afterwards. Why build  a storage facility for stuff nobody listens to?    Remember Elliot Spitzer, Governor of NY. He removed Hank Greenberg from AIG […]

Wiemar Republic & Gresham’s Law

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for taking the time to address the questions that I and many others who follow your work have asked. In your most recent answer to a readers question, you state, “Therefore, it was the complete lack of CONFIDENCE in the government that (1) caused the hoarding, and…..”  From what I have read […]

The Central Bank

  1) The Emperor Has No Clothes: Why the Fed Has No Power 2) Primary Dealers – the Truth About Their Iron Grip 3) Dollar – The Reserve Currency 4) Is America on the Verge of Another Bank War 5) Understanding Jackson’s Bank War 6) Fractional Banking v Matched Funding   The Federal Reserve: Part I “The Creature from Jekyll Island” […]

IMF Admits It Made a Mistake with Greece

The IMF and German policies as well as those of Obama are absolutely brain dead. These arrogant people are LAWYERS who are clueless when it comes to economics. The IMF had acknowledged on Wednesday that it underestimated the damage done to Greece’s economy from spending cuts and tax hikes imposed in a bailout. These people do […]

Market Recap

We elected the third minor Daily Bearish Reversal today confirming that the target week of 05/20 should be a temporary high short-term. Gold did not elect any minor Daily Bullish Reversals against still warning that the rally thus far is a dead cat-bounce. We need a daily closing ABOVE 1448.50 on spot to firm up […]

Hammurabi Legal Code

  The Code of  Hammurabi 1795-1750 BC Claude Hermann Walter Johns: BABYLONIAN LAW–The Code of Hammurabi. from the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910-1911 The material for the study of Babylonian law is singularly extensive without being exhaustive. The so-called “contracts,” including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of […]

1984 is here 2014

The primary reason why I have been touting that we no longer need taxation at the federal level is because money is no longer tangible. The evolution of money migrating to simply electronic actually allows the restoration of freedom. Taxes were once needed when money was tangible because it could not be created. The diehard Goldbugs […]

Glossary of Princeton Terminology

Terms Used In Armstrong Economics Forecasting Reports TURNING POINT A target that can be either a high or a low. It is a cyclical target that amounts to a turning point irrespective of the event (high/low). VOLATILITY Volatility can be measured in many ways. We have volatility that can be from the previous close to […]

Metal Market Recap

The month end closing for gold was 1392.60 holding the main Month Bearish while electing 1462.50, warning that yes we are still in a correction mode, but crisitcal support is holding for now. When we look at Copper, the primary support lies at 303 whereas this has held intraday falling to 305, but again, it […]

A Normal Market

In the normal world of capital flows, bonds decline when stocks rise. The talking heads that claim lower interest rates are bullish for stocks once again try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect that applies to a single frame in a long movie. Here we can see that bonds declined when stocks […]