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Domestic Myopic Excuses – The Worst is yet to Come

To try to explain the markets and how there can be a rising stock market with rising bonds, analysts characterize this weird trend as a US monetary experiment of the past four years, which has been caused by the Fed’s endless monetary injections (and pent up inflation expectations) while the bond rally has been due […]

Keynes, John Maynard

John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who revolutionized economic thought, which is widely known as “Keynesianism.” The son of a Cambridge don, Keynes was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where his degree was in mathematics. John Maynard Keynes was educated at King’s College, Cambridge, from 1902–1906 and DID NOT have a […]

When Genius Fails – The Underbelly of Markets

The Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) collapse in 1998 has been often referred to as When Genius Failed. The collapse of LTCM was instigated by the collapse of Russia. Everyone and their 5th ex-wife was long Russian bonds as bribes were paid to people in the IMF to ensure the loans would keep flowing to Russia […]

Understanding Cycles – the Two Extremes – Why We must Crash & Burn

Understanding that everything in nature moves in a cyclical manner is vital to comprehending the world around us. This is how energy moves. The waves in the ocean give the impression the water is moving when in fact if you throw a bottle that floats into the water you will notice that the bottle rises […]

Due Process & New York – The End of Reason

QUESTION: My daughter in school discussed your case as a denial of due process of law. Your case is really famous in legal circles. ANSWER:  I get that many times. Even my cousin’s son in South Carolina experienced the same thing. When he told the teacher I was his cousin, she couldn’t believe it. To […]

The Untouchables & Politics Come 2016

The United States is being seen as just hopelessly corrupt and the next downturn in the economy is not merely going to come down on those in Congress always willing to write blank checks to bailout the bankers when Genius Fails as it always does in New York when it is really just bribing and […]

Hypocrisy of US Mainstream Press

President Obama has been the most aggressive in going after “leaks” that reveal how government lies to the people on one subject or another. His efforts to protect the government are disgraceful and if government was honest, well there wouldn’t be leaks. But the real issue that is a disgrace has been the […]

The Week of May 20th – A Major Turning Point?

Behind the scenes there has been scrambling as Southern Europe moves closer and closer to outright collapse. I warned previously that our contacts high up in the German government made it clear more than one year ago that if the choice comes down to abandoning the Euro or Austerity, the Euro will win. Letting the […]

Flash Crash – It is What it is!

QUESTION: Good evening Mr. Armstrong, When it comes to the precious metals I have found you to act as a much needed fulcrum between the “gold bugs” and the main straem media – thank you! In your most recent bid you say, “All Crash events take place because of the LACK of BIDS. It does […]

Mad Max Begins in Spain?

Honestly, these politicians may be well trained lawyers, but they are absolutely brain-dead when it comes to understanding human nature and the impact of their clever laws. Just pick up a history book and you might learn something. Human nature has not changed. A mother still cries for her son who dies in battle today […]