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Trump Tower Accord to Replace Plaza Accord?

We can probably count on one thing – the people from Goldman Sachs advising Trump will most likely do what they always do – assume the manipulation and “influence” is all that is needed to change the trend in the dollar. Donald Trump’s top trade adviser Peter Navarro has hit out at Germany and accused the country […]

In Germany Chasity Belts Make a Comeback as Democrats Yell at Trump for a Travel Ban

While the Democrats are chastising Trump for his travel ban twisting it into a ban on Muslims when we have Muslim staff who travel here freely without green cards, (we also have staff that are Black , Yellow, as well as Gay), if you look at Germany and all the rapes of women you have […]

Trump moves to Revise Rule of Retirement Advice

ELIZABETH WARREN blasts Trump saying ‘Wall Street bankers and lobbyists … may be toasting each other with Champagne’ after he ordered the Department of Labor to review the rule that was to go into effect come April. Warren is really clueless. She fails to comprehend that sometimes government regulation is very bad. Indeed, I have […]

Urgent Advice to Trump – Restore FCC Fairness Doctrine

Trump should IMMEDIATELY reinstate the Fairness Doctrine in the media that once existed at the FCC. The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that […]

When Clinton Made Same Argument as Trump Against Immigrants They Cheered

In 1996 Bill Clinton made it mandatory prison time for any alien who reentered the country after being deported. It was Bill Clinton who made it law that any alien found guilty of virtually any crime even if legally here, they were to be deported even for non-violent crimes. There were no protests. The media SUPPORTED […]

ACLU v Trump

You have to listen closely to this video of  ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero coming out of the court where the ACLU just argued and won block of Trump’s Muslim ban according to them. He is giving the impression that he beat Trump on everything – which he did not. Pay close attention and […]

Trump Supporter Surrounded by Women’s March \

Trump & His Wall – Just a Sign of a Greater Problem

QUESTION: Do you support Trump’s wall? ANSWER: A wall will not end the crisis. You can use boats as well. What are the issues? First, the purpose of the wall is to stop the drug trade. It will put a dent into it, but it will not eradicate it. Second, is the immigration. There are […]

Trump’s Tax Reduction Follows John F. Kennedy Approach

Of course, the left is focusing on how much the “rich” pay while ignoring the entire issue of taxes. When I debated Steve Forbes and Governor James Florio at Princeton University, it was the Democrat Florio who I turned. I simply said that the tax code borrowed from the poor and middle class, handed them […]

Trump Keeping His Campaign Promises

About 75% of everything Obama did was by Executive Order bypassing Congress. That means that the next president can easily undo 75% of what Obama did by Executive Order.  On Monday, Trump signed an executive order formally withdrawing the United States from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal keeping his promise from his campaign last year. Trump […]