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Market Talk – May 28, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: After U.S. President Trump’s visit to Japan concluded, he stated he expects Japan’s military to reinforce the U.S. forces throughout Asia and elsewhere. Meanwhile, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan is visiting Pakistan before he heads to Europe as both nations are trying to show up regional allies as tensions rise. The founder […]

EU Elections with Exit Polls

So far the biggest gains in Germany were for the Green and AfD Parties and in France, LePen is leading Macron. In the UK, it seems to be BREXIT Party of Farage is ahead. Clearly, we are looking at a sea-change in European Politics. Our readers in Belgium report that the first results for regional […]

The Demise of the British Conservative Party?

The term “Conservative” was suggested as a title for the party by a magazine article by J. Wilson Croker in the Quarterly Review in 1830. The name immediately caught on and was officially adopted under the aegis of Sir Robert Peel around 1834. However, it really began to take shape in 1812 when the name […]

The EU Elections Due Tomorrow 26th

There will be no exit polls in the EU election. They made it a criminal offense for any country in the EU to publish exit polls, or any information about how people have voted during the election, before 22:00 BST on Sunday 26 May. In the UK, the vote took place on May 23rd. Voters in […]

Market Talk – May 24, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China is accusing the U.S. of seeking to take over and capture global business. However, Beijing stated today that they are committed to striking a deal with the U.S., even with pressure against Chinese company Huawei. The Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. is asking for a balanced approach to the trade deal, […]

PM Theresa May Resigns

Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that she will now step down as the U.K. prime minister after failing to win support for her plan to withdraw from the European Union. It has been shocking how she only pitched Brussels’ demands and refused to defend Britain. This conflict has been all about Brussels who demands […]

Director of UK Charity Calls for Acid Attack on Nigel Farage

The policy director of a UK charity that “campaigns to increase happiness” was fired after calling for Brexit leader Nigel Farage to be doused in acid. The battle between the left and right is really getting intense. Happy City UK’s Ruth Townsley commented on Nigel Farage being assaulted while walking in Newcastle where someone threw […]

May Could be Asked to Resign by June

Prime Minister Theresa May could be forced to leave Downing Street by late June if she does not deliver a Brexit deal. Conservative Party sources are letting it be known that unless it becomes clear by the end of May that her plan stands a chance of being approved, she may be compelled to leave […]

Market Talk – May 23, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been elected for a second term, thanking voters for five more years in office. Modi has had a reputation of being a nationalist and making sure the security of the nation was at the forefront of voters’ minds. There will be those unhappy with the outcome […]

British Elections

Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is poised to dominate the upcoming European elections in the U.K., according to spread betting firm Sporting Index. Nigel appears to be leading with his new party to take 28 seats. Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservatives will win perhaps seven and Labour will take 13 with the Liberal Democrats coming in […]