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States to Deem Silver and Gold Legal Tender

Several US states are considering legislation to reclassify gold and silver as money rather than commodities. Bills filed in Oklahoma and Missouri aim to eliminate state capital gains taxes on the sale of gold and silver, and to treat these metals as currency. Other states like Arkansas and Utah are also considering introducing similar legislation. […]

Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM  

An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the temporary gap is wider than 60 Earths and extraordinary at this stage of the solar cycle. This phenomenon, known as a coronal hole, took shape […]


Just as the Nativity story unfolds with a sense of anticipation and promise, the financial world too experiences its own cycles that we explore together every day on this blog. We have witnessed seasons of abundance and periods of restraint akin to the volatility in the markets. Through it all, the message remains clear — […]

Colorado Supreme Court Violates the Constitution Itself – 4 Justices Should be Criminally Charged Now

  I took some time before posting about this decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, which is an all-Democrat-appointed court, because what I had to analyze was from a legal viewpoint and not partisan in any way. What these four Colorado justices, with their names in white, have done is in fact nothing shy of […]

Germany Deploys Troops to Lithuania

Germany is sending troops on a permanent deployment to a foreign nation for the first time since World War II. Germany had agreed to deploy troops to Lithuania back in June but did not set an official date for deployment at that time. Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas met with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius […]

Destroying Farmland to Reduce Population

Everywhere you look, there is this scheme to reduce farming, which will reduce population. That was the whole theory of Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) that the population would surpass the ability to grow food. That is the agenda. Wind generators or solar panels consume one-third of the farmland worldwide. This is what has inspired this thinking […]

Putin’s Four-Hour Press Conference

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes his nation is leading the battle against Ukraine. In a four-hour televised press conference on December 14, the Russian president said he believes that the war will end once Russia achieves its goals. “Either we get an agreement or we solve this by force,” Putin stated. Russia will spend $11 […]

Interview: The World According to Martin Armstrong (Martin Takes Your Questions) – Part 1

In this interview between Kerry Lutz and Martin Armstrong, a different format was used. Martin took questions from the FSN community, covering a wide range of topics, including the US Debt clock, gold, China’s future, inflation, interest rates, and the impact of fraud on the system. Armstrong predicts that all governments will change by 2032, […]

Forecasting the Hamas Attack

QUESTION: Socrates picked up the Hamas attack, marking July as the high with a directional change, then another directional change in September before the attack, a panic cycle into November, and another directional change. The market then bounced. NBC reported that people were speculating in advance of the attack, and it may have been Hamas […]

Should Argentina Peg its Currency to the Dollar?

QUESTION: What about Argentina willing to peg pesos to USD? THANKS for all you are doing for us! ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND FAMILY TD ANSWER: First and foremost, what collapsed Bretton Woods and the gold standard was persistent deficit spending. They fixed the price of gold to $35 but then spent recklessly every […]