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Euro Knee Jerk Reaction of Sell the Rumor Buy the News?

Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank (ECB) has moved as expected to try to force the Euroland into an economic recovery by cutting a key interest rate on the overnight deposit rate was cut from -0.2% to -0.3%, to compel banks to lend instead of parking money at the ECB. He also extended his ECB […]

Why the Euro Is A Dead Currency

  I have been warning that government can do whatever it likes and declare anything to be be a criminal act. In the USA, not paying taxes is NOT a crime, failing to file your income tax is the crime. The EU has imposed the first outright total asset reporting requirement for cash, jewelry, and anything […]

Thatcher v Euro – Was She a Prophet?

Thatcher knew the Euro would fail and stated bluntly that the “government believes in the pound sterling”. “We had arguments which might persuade both the Germans – who would be worried about the weakening of anti-inflation policies – and the poorer countries – who must be told that they would not be bailed out of […]

Jean-Claude Juncker Warns Border Control will Kill Euro

  EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has warned of the end of the single currency if EU members resurrect border controls once again. This statement reflects the internal dissent with Germany over the refugee crisis. It certainly seems rather insane that Europe just open its doors in this manner with the inability to truly screen those […]

Europe – Here we GO Again

The European economic crisis just keeps getting worse. The European Commission is now planning to pool all money for bank bailouts among nations. That means the funds set aside in Germany to weather German bank failures can be used in France. Meanwhile, the EU is preparing to relax the stability policy (austerity) because of refugees and terror. This emergency […]

Schäuble Said Refuge Crisis Will Not Destroy Europe

  Schäuble has said that the refugee crisis will not destroy Europe and it will proceed. This illustrates our crisis with career politicians. He MUST take this position or he must admit the politicians are wrong. Now that can never happen.

Finland Referendum Forces Debate on Euro Exit

Even traditional economists are now waking up to the downside of the euro. The euro was supposed to promote European harmony by eliminating costly currency conversion fees, but the real cost has been this crazy idea that the federalization of Europe would prevent war. As a result, Finland is now seen to be in a perpetual […]

Is Europe Slipping into Diversions?

A bomb scare in Hannover canceled a game between Netherlands & Germany. Merkel was supposed to be there. We may see Europe slip into a paranoid state of affairs that those in government will use to (1) grab more power, and (2) distract people from the economic crisis.

Le Pen vs Merkel & Hollande at the European Parliament Le Pen warns that France is subservient to Germany. She stands for independence and sovereignty, which is the cornerstone of the French Constitution. Hollande argues that they are creating a single Europe because of two wars, but he cannot see that this dictatorship is indeed creating massive discontent, which creates the risk of war. […]

Polish Elections Voted Anti-Euro on Sunday

I reported from Poland that the rising trend there was anti-euro, which has manifested into an anti-immigrant movement. I will be there next March once again. Nevertheless, Poland’s eurosceptic and anti-immigration Law and Justice Party (PiS) claimed a major victory on Sunday. The politicians in Brussels only see their power and Merkel is attempting to demand quotas for all […]