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Market Talk- December 20, 2018

The Federal Reserve raising the 25bp was pretty much expected throughout, with a few possible outlier exceptions. However, it was not really the hike that spooked markets, but that they had built-in so much belief that the no change in hiking rhetoric they was expecting. This is probably why markets are reacting so violently, as […]

Scientists Want to Synthetically Create a Volcanic Winter – Are they Just Nuts?

  Believe it or not, pretend Scientists are actually proposing to create a synthetic Volcanic Winter by spraying sun-dimming chemicals into the Earth’s atmosphere the same as a volcanoe when it erupts. These pretend research scientists at Harvard and Yale universities have published in the journal Environmental Research Letters proposing to inject an aerosol (SAI) to […]

We Were Supposed to be Resorting to Cannibalism by Now from Global Warming

Despite the forecasts 20 years ago that snow would be a thing of the past, the last three winters have been getting progressively colder and nastier. Back in 1975, Newsweek predicted we were going into a new ice age until it became profitable to flip it into global warming to justify new taxes. Back in 1971, […]

Real Estate – Taxes – Currency

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I bought ‘The World Real Estate Report’ at the end of 2016. It stated that Australian real estate was going to fall after the first quarter (March) in 2016. The property prices in Melbourne (where I live) continued to rise in April 2016 so I sent an email to Socrates Support asking […]

Saudi Arabia Crazy Hail Storms Going Nuts & Avenatti Playing Games?     COMMENT: Dear Marty, This is interesting weather change in Saudi Arabia. We usually have the air-conditioning running 24/7 365 days a year. And now… Also, I found your blog on Avenatti very interesting…. If he runs for President, and it looks like he is planning on doing so, he could be the […]

Market Talk- October 25, 2018

Asia woke to the 600 point drop in the DOW and knew it was going to be tough going from the opening bell. The Nikkei probably took the brunt of the punishment falling almost 4%, but what was interesting was that the Yen failed to see the safe-haven bid. The Nikkei is now down over […]

Global Warming & Pole Shifts

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I see that you have reported a lot about the coming global cooling. Here in Scandinavia, we had a warm and dry summer, the warmest and dryest in about 250 years. Is there an opposite reaction to the global cooling here in Scandinavia? regards, TK ANSWER: No. What is happening is clearly climate […]

IMF Warns Their Forecast Was Wrong

COMMENT: It really does appear that the IMF is following you and repeating your forecasts. They first said the world economy was booming at the start of the year for the next several years. Now they have revised that forecast and saying we are at risk of a decline. Any comment? HK ANSWER: Yes, at […]

Interest Rates & the Long-Broad Trend

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I cannot tell you how much I respect your work and your computer. It is so obvious that you have been correct on every market. Even last year at the WEC you warned that interest rates would continue to rise and the stock market would not Crash and Burn. My hat is off […]

Bonds & The Record High Short Position Can Majority Be Wrong?

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, Can you help us better understand the dynamics of the sovereign debt crisis as it relates to US Treasuries? I know we are in a global debt crisis, which will also impact US Treasuries but it seems like short treasuries is the current consensus (I believe they are currently at the biggest […]