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The Flight From Gold – A Fall From Grace

Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest tale by raising unrealistic high hopes for China as their savior as they were buying gold and would use it to back their currency. They tout that […]

Gold – It Ain’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

The problem with gold has been the gold promoters who use sophistry to sell their product, convincing so many people to lose everything they invest. The hate mail has started again, claiming I am “bashing the gold bugs” as if this were a sport. Sadly, this illustrates how there will always be those who go down with […]

Gold: The Panic Cycle is Here

Gold opened the week in Asia with a bang – down nearly $44 at the low of $1083. This is right on target for our Panic Cycle this week. Gold is sharply declining, it will break the $1,000 level, and then everyone will start to look for $600–$700 area. We can see our Energy Models […]

Gold Miners

As long as there are people who still believe that the gold market is uniquely manipulated, rather than simply in sync with the world economy, then the sad truth remains that we have not yet seen the bottom of the slide in gold prices just yet. Gold’s weakness led to a brutal sell-off among the […]

So Who is Still Long in Gold?

As you move into a major low, it is not about who is still long, it is who is short. As gold capitulates and spirals lower, the gold promoters are running out of nonsense to justify it rising while the world is declining. What happens is two aspects. Those who have been long lose their shirt, pants, house, wife, […]

Gold is Becoming a Dirty Word

  In 2011, Louisiana became the first state to wage war on CASH, enacting a law called R.S. 37:1866. Politicians made it illegal to purchase anything from a secondhand dealer with cash. Therefore, even going to a garage sale to make a purchase with cash became illegal. A secondhand dealer shall not enter into any cash […]

Goldman Sachs a Target for Hiding Greek Debt?

The story of a possible lawsuit against Goldman Sachs over hiding Greek debt is starting to make the press. We do most certainly live in interesting times. The Independent is now reporting that a leading adviser to debt-riven countries has offered to help Athens recover some of the vast profits made by the investment bank Goldman Sachs […]

Absence of Socialism v Austerity & Gold Standards

  There have been many attempts at creating a gold standard and this notion that money should retain a value yet simultaneously people want to earn more with rising wages and assets values. Even Merkel’s “austerity” is a derivative of this idea that money should be somehow tangible in value yet simultaneously Euroland allows for […]

Goldman Sachs to Be Sued for Hiding Greek Losses to Get in Euro?

An interesting development is allegedly emerging. There maybe a lawsuit brought against Goldman Sachs for structuring products that hid the debt of Greece to enable it to enter the Euroland political theme park and in the end, increased it. The rumors are starting to circulate behind the headlines. This could prove to be a very […]

Is Copper the New Gold?

Electric cars are rapidly entering the market. This is causing more than just a decline in the demand for oil. The i8 BMW is a hybrid that still has a combustion engine in the back and an electric in the front. This car gets 78 miles to the gallon. It has a purely electric top […]