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Freedom to Travel in Europe Shutting Down

The freedom to travel in the European Union that was to be the cornerstone of the whole issue behind the Euro is now being shut-down. The EU Member States are now allowed to reintroduce border controls at will. This is all the result of what I have reported that apartments in Germany were almost all sold out […]

EU Backs down of Austerity

The EU is allowing the Austerity measures to subside realizing at last that they are creating major civil unrest. They are backing off and expanding debt to try to prevent a collapse in the civil structure of Europe. Pay attention to Europe this summer. This is why Homeland Security in USA bought 2715 tanks.

Long Live the Dollar

If anyone wants to know why the dollar will soar to new highs, just stop and look at Europe. The gold promoters will claim the bank crisis will make gold soar. But the dollar will soar. France is out to shut down gold sales and has outlawed buying or selling gold for cash. They are […]

France is Leading the Charge to Seize All of Europe

Hollande of France is seeking to federalize all of Europe forcing a new socialization of Communist agenda. He sees no use for the Free Markets and is trying to sell this idea to Europe. In his mind, if he can prevent people from fleeing his insane ideas, he will win. Italy is starting to now […]

Brussels is Moving to Federalize Europe

Everyone knew that the real agenda from the outset was to federalize Europe. The problem has been how to deny that so they did not require a democratic vote from the people. What is taking place now is the attempt to seize control of the rule of law in all member states. This way no […]

Russia moved warships into the Mediterranean

Next week everyone seems to be moving into the Mediterranean for the week of May 20th, This is getting very interesting.

Germany Imposing a Glass-Steagall-Like Act with Teeth

Germany is drawing a bright line between proprietary trading in banks and customer deposits. They are not merely separating the two, but they imposed criminal sentences for directors of banks and insurance companies if they fail to fulfill their supervisory duties in risk management or contravene an array of banking supervision. Germany will at least prosecute […]

Europe Plans the Confiscation of Depositor Assets

There really is no other word for politicians but brain-dead. They cannot understand that what they are doing is the destruction of the economy. They created the bank instability by failing to create a national debt for reserves. Then the banks have to keep sovereign debt as reserves of all members and then they default. […]

Inflation is Inevitable But its the Interest Rates We Better Watch

We are in one of the most complex conundrums in financial history. On the one hand we have vast amounts of cash that creates tremendous liquidity with interest rates at virtually zero, G7 finance ministers at least alarmed about the high level of liquidity yet it is becoming obvious even to them that monetary policy can not […]

Gold & A Bear Market

The possibility of a 5-year bear market and the signs that will indicate that trend are covered in detail in the 2013 Metals report. Suffice it to say, just Google dollar devaluation and you get pages upon pages of everyone swearing the dollar must collapse so buy gold. Then look at the Dow. The vast […]