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John Kerry – Schwab’s Davos-Man in Biden’s Cabinet

  John Kerry is a Davos Man. He has already publicly stated at Davos at the World Economic Forum that a Great Reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism – (i.e. Trump supporters). They regard Trump was elected by “populism” so what he was saying was to suppress those who voted for Trump which is anti-Democratic. He […]

Are Politicians Impacted by the Hawthorne Effect?

QUESTION: Martin, I want to thank you for all of your work and have enjoyed meeting you at the WEC’s and Computer event in Miami Beach that was a real eye-opener and also John McAfee had some very entertaining stories. As in the  Hawthorne Effect in Stanford County Jail study do you think the Mayors /Governors/ […]

I do Not Think Trump will Win

COMMENT: You only support Trump. Get back to reality. GA   REPLY: Your hatred for Trump will be your undoing. I do NOT believe Trump will reverse the election. This election has been so corrupt it will go down in history. But Trump will never be able to prove that in time. Mark Zuckerberg and […]

Why America Faces a Civil War – There is no Alternative

This election is unlike anything ever before. The Democrats lied to the people promising they will create jobs without mentioning that they are in league with the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset as is Canada for Agenda 2030 which has to first destroy as many jobs as possible. What the Democrats are doing […]

How Our AI Computer Forecasts the Failure of Schwab & World Economic Forum

I find it really interesting how Klaus Schwab champions the 4th Industrial Revolution and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world so we have to help shape it by destroying what we have to design the Great Reset. Only an academic would be that arrogant. The AI system I designed was from being a […]

The Democrats Are Starting the Internal War that will Split the Party

Heather Mac Donald appeared on FOX News with Tucker and the story was about how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) accused the House speaker of targeting elected women of color. The left is turning on the left, as they always do. AOC and her leftist groups provided a 7-page manifesto telling Biden to use executive orders and […]

What Can We Do?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong;  You don’t sell advertising and you do not require emails to view your site. I listened to your interview and you said you do this as a public service. I think you seem to have the only honest site that shows what is happening globally. Do you think we can beat these […]

Schwab Advocates Putting Chips in Our Head so Government Can Read our Thoughts?

(full speech) Klaus Schwab wants to create this Agenda 2030 which is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized authoritarian rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties, and much more government control tracking everything we do with a restriction on travel. Schwab […]

BigTech Replacing Banks

COMMENT: Marty; I am amazed. Your information is light-years ahead of the curve as well as Socrates. You said BigTech was censoring us because, under the Great Reset, banks would become obsolete. Alphabet is moving to expand Google Pay into a checking account that can also grant users all credit cards and discounts. No wonder […]

South Australia going into Total Lockdown

COMMENT: As of 12:01 am Thursday, 19 November 2020 South Australia time, the whole of the state of South Australia will be placed under house arrest for a period of 6 days – at least initially. All this due to a few people testing positive for covid19. “… South Australia will be implementing a circuit […]