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How Thinking has Inverted What was Up is now Down

I was in conversation with people I know in Europe. It is like the entire world has flipped upside down. This Climate Change Agenda is something far more sinister than anyone in mainstream media is willing to print for it has really little to do with saving the planet. If you are pro-War with Russia, […]

The War Against Nitrogen Fertilizer is More Than You Realize

COMMENT: As an ex-soldier, whilst reading your posts regarding the Right to bear arms, Nitrogen fertilizer, and Diesel fuel I suddenly got a brain warp to the past. In Rhodesia with sanctions on us, we developed a bomb using Nitrogen fertilizer, blue soap, and diesaline. It was similar to napalm. When the change came to […]

Market Talk – November 16, 2022

ASIA:   China’s interbank market self-regulatory body said on Tuesday it would expand bond financing for private firms, including property developers, with the support of the central bank. The National Association of Institutional Financial Market Investors (NAFMII) said on Tuesday that the scheme is expected to support about 250 billion yuan ($34.47 billion) in bond […]

US Households Lost Over $7,400 Under Biden

I reported in September that the Heritage Foundation estimated that the average American lost $4,200 since Biden became president. Within only a month, their analysis for October revealed that the average family had lost an average of $7,400. Around $6,100 of the loss came from annual income, while interest rates cost the average American $1,300 […]

Market Talk – November 14, 2022

ASIA:   Chinese President Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden during their first face-to-face meeting since 2017 that the Taiwan issue is “the very core of China’s core interests” and the “first red line” in bilateral ties that must not be crossed. Beijing considers Taiwan an inalienable part of China. The self-governing island’s democratically […]

Will 2022 be the most Corrupt Election since 53BC?

COMMENT: Marty, I love all that you do. I want to challenge anyone to find a county in the USA that is more corrupt that Harris County Texas (Houston) regarding vote fraud, nothing to see here keep moving: Harris County Elections administrator can’t answer why polling locations ran out of paper Harris County Elections Administrator […]

2022 WEC: In the Dollar We Trust

At the World Economic Conference in 2021, the Armstrong Socrates model predicted that 2022 was going to be volatile and chaotic featuring a strong US dollar, a huge move in interest rates, a major bond market decline, fertilizer and food shortages, as well as escalating geopolitical tensions in Ukraine. What now? Socrates forecast that 2023 […]

Fed Pivot Myth

Thank you to the reader who sent in this hilarious image. Despite all the incoming data and price instability, some expected the Fed to pivot on its stance. Even BlackRock reportedly told advisers to expect “pivot language” at the last Federal Open Market Committee meeting. They were hoping that the Fed would announce a looser […]

Market Talk – November 2, 2022

ASIA:   India is poised for an economic boom driven by investment in manufacturing, the country’s energy transformation and advanced digital infrastructure, and these drivers will make it the world’s third-largest economy and stock market by the end of the decade ending in 2030, global investment bank Morgan Stanley said in a report. Four global […]

Market Talk – October 21, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s economy grew at a slower pace of 4.4 percent, but exceeded expectations, in the third quarter of 2022, according to advance estimates released by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) last Friday. On a quarter-on-quarter seasonally adjusted basis, Singapore’s gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 1.5 percent after contracting 0.2 percent in […]