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Electoral College Challenges are Routine

QUESTION: How can you support Trump when he tried to overturn electoral college votes? That’s illegal and tyrannical. WG ANSWER: You are speaking out of your hatred for Trump. You should have looked at the issues rather than the people. This is not about Trump and you have just been manipulated into hating Trump so […]

Market Talk – December 16, 2020

ASIA: The US Congress has officially passed the USD 740 billion defense policy bill, which among other things, included calling out Chinese aggression against India along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The US House of Representatives and the Senate on Tuesday passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included key components of Indian-American […]

Open Your Eyes – Corruption Surrounds You

COMMENT: So now something that has been on the books for 95 years is suddenly a problem and UNCONSTITUTIONAL? So now it`s unfair to 1 man who in 4 years his only major accomplishment was to pass a tax break that the bulk of the tax break only benefited the top 1% ? In which […]

The Supreme Court’s Claim of Discretion is Unconstitutional

QUESTION: Do you think this is over for Trump? GH ANSWER: Yes. They need to go back to the Supreme Court and argue that the Judiciary Act of 1925 is UNCONSTITUTIONAL because it created discretion to hear cases when the Supreme Court is the ONLY court created by the Constitution. The Supreme Court made it […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]

Mainstream Media Remains in Denial About Voter Fraud

  Democrats are like zebra, they change their stripes according to self-interest whereas the Republicans can become white elephants when required. In this case, the mainstream media and governors swear the vote was real. However, Biden received more votes in only the swing states, beating Obama and Hillary, which is really astonishing. But the truth […]

Market Talk – November 30, 2020

ASIA: Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday demanded an apology from the Chinese government for tweeting a “falsified” and “repugnant” image of an Australian soldier killing a child in Afghanistan, amid escalating political tensions between Canberra and Beijing. Morrison said Australia has reached out to the Chinese government and also contacted Twitter to have the […]

The Decline & Fall of the West

COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, We need more pics like Winnipeg Costco out in the news: They might wake up the sleeping herd! I’m writing from Toronto where we are in a lockdown since 12:01 today for the next 28 days… and probably more! Our Premier, Doug Ford, clearly mention in his Friday announcement that Big […]

The View from Britain

COMMENT FORM BRITAIN: Hi Martin   We certainly live in frustrating blood boiling times. Sadly it appears daily, that not enough was done before the election to prevent what happened – it would have been well worthwhile to set up passive surveillance cameras and teams at obvious electoral fraud hot spots ahead of time – […]

Are Politicians Impacted by the Hawthorne Effect?

QUESTION: Martin, I want to thank you for all of your work and have enjoyed meeting you at the WEC’s and Computer event in Miami Beach that was a real eye-opener and also John McAfee had some very entertaining stories. As in the  Hawthorne Effect in Stanford County Jail study do you think the Mayors /Governors/ […]