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What is the Motive

While everyone argues over vaccines and who created COVID, all of these debates and questions dominate 99% of the online agenda. There is something SERIOUSLY mining and that simply the end goal and what is the motive. Some try to claim that there are dark forces hidden behind the images of Gates and Schwab. Some […]

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Should Not be Vaccinated

This is a horrendous story to report but I would like my readers to have a full understanding of the repercussions of mRNA vaccines. I previously reported that the government-sponsored Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) admittedly records fewer than 1% of adverse reactions, and therefore, we do not understand the full scope of side […]

Florida Accounted for One-Third of US Job Growth During Q3

Florida is leading the nation in job growth due to eased tax laws and COVID restrictions. Florida alone added 579,000 jobs during 2021, representing a 5.8% uptick in new jobs. In contrast, the national average has been a muted 0.5%. As of October, Florida consistently attracted new labor in the private sector for 18 consecutive […]

Make-A-Wish Denies Unvaccinated Boy’s Dying Wish – Don’t Donate to Them!

The hatred toward the unvaccinated population has become so alarming that the risk of violence is imminent. Heartbreakingly, the Make-A-Wish Foundation has refused a 4-year-old child his dying wish because he is not vaccinated. Rocco, a terminally ill boy from Staten Island, New York, wanted to meet Mickey Mouse in Disney World, as many kids […]

Fauci Actually For Once Spoke the Truth – Do Not Vaccinate Your Children

  These are experimental vaccines that have NEVER before been approved, nor tested on such a wide scale of human society. Fauci admits that they used vaccines just a few years ago that made children more likely to get the disease. Our problem is that the politicians have used this as part of the agenda […]

Australia to Quarantine Even Fully Vaccinated Flying to Australia

The joke use to be “going postal” because so many postal workers were killing co-workers decades ago. Now they are calling it “going-Australian,” meaning they are leading the charge on the most anti-human rights regime in the world. They have matched the Nazis blocking travel even between states. Now they are even saying that FULLY […]

AstraZeneca Vaccination Side Effects

COMMENT: I am one of the people who has suffered at the hands of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine BUT no one really believes me!I live in Botswana and all of 2020 we kept free of this virus. then april 2021 we had our first JAB and i was really ill with malaria like symptoms five […]

Is Stupidity Now a Requirement to be a Politician?

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has ordered that indoor public places statewide, including restaurants and shops, must order all staff and customers to either show proof of vaccination or wear masks. If getting vaccinated neither prevents you from getting COVID nor spreading it, her decree makes no sense whatsoever that only the UNVACCINATED must wear […]

Rep. Chip Roy: If We Don’t Stop It, This Country Will Not Survive

Watch Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) destroy the House by questioning government spending and a complete lack of communication between parties. The Democrats pushed forward massive spending bills this year as the nation teetered on a recession and nearly defaulted on its debt. There are continuous plans to fund a growing number of social programs with […]

Munich Protest & Others being Ignored by Governments

  There was a massive protest in Munich on the 8th against this COVID Tyranny. Of course, governments do not care for the real agenda is to completely wipe out democracy and usher in Schwab’s Great Reset. They have been using this virus as merely a tool to achieve their political restructuring. While people argue […]