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Phase Transition In the Dow?

No we are not in the final stages of a phase transition. We are still inside the normal channel. To create the phase transition, you have to break through the top of the channel and then really run crazy. In gold, we reached $400 in early December 1979 and then rallied to $875 by January […]

The Mad Max Outcome

A number of readers have asked doesn’t gold survive a Mad Max event? Historically, the answer to that is no. Dark Ages seem to be the total collapse of all economic activity on a collective basis. This is why there are huge gaps in the monetary history in Greece, Western Europe after the fall of […]

Metals Report

Questions concerning our historical chart on gold 1264-to date showing the Black Death Channel from where the Free Markets began has been updated and will be in the report going out next week. For new readers, it is a view of gold after the Dark Age when there were no gold coins minted in the […]

Maastricht Treaty PROTOCOLS

  PROTOCOLS   PROTOCOL ON THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN DENMARK THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to settle certain particular problems relating to Denmark, HAVING AGREED UPON the following provision, which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Treaty, Denmark may maintain the existing legislation on the […]

EMU Introduction

EMU Introduction May 5th, 1997   European Monetary Union 1997 is a critical year for EMU, as the economic performance in 1997 will determine which countries join EMU in January 1999. The financial markets still have not quite come to terms with all the details of EMU nor does it realize that this union is […]

Portugal EMU

Country Analysis Portugal   The probability of Portugal joining EMU from the start remains questionable at best. There is a possibility that Portugal could be in the first round based upon economic conditions. There is also a potential for gold sales to help bring its debt ratio into line. Overall, Portugal’s GDP growth is currently […]


Country Analysis Germany The probability of Germany joining EMU at start date is probabily UNQUESTIONABLE. Afterall, if Germany does NOT qualify, there will be no EMU. Still it is important to note that without fudging the books itself, Germany would NOT meet its own criteria for which it fought so hard and long to insure.Chancellor […]

Model Forecasts – We are Getting There

Yearly 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Turning Point T – T T – T Dir Change – – – D – – Panic Cycle – – – – – – Pattern D U U U U D The computer models will be accessible very soon in time for the craziness this fall. This is […]

Why We Moved to Switzerland

We firmly believe in privacy and liberty. Ideas even like Bitcoin count on the simple fact that there is some RULE OF LAW that will be respected. There is none. As the Sovereign Debt Crisis unfolds, they are really hunting down everything they can possibly get their hands on. Canada is now taking the position […]

Rising Third Party & How It is All Connected

Back in 1997, we warned that our computer model was forecasting that by 2016, we would see a tremendous rise in third party activity. This was our forecast back then and most said what is your computer drinking over there? The blue line in this chart showed the historical 3rd party movement and how it […]