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What Do Central Bankers Really Look AT

QUESTION: Can you please comment on the following. I hear incessant talk about the market being supported by Bernanke.  The Fed gets the credit for the market going up.  (And when it goes down for not doing enough).    How much truth is there in this mantra?   How much is the Fed actually affecting stock prices by […]

History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average

The History of the Dow Index It was on July 3rd, 1884, when Charles Henry Dow first began publishing his Dow Jones Index Average. Eight months later when the index was being published daily it was composed of 12 stocks, 10 of which were railroads. Keep in mind that it was the railroads that were […]

Armstrong Interview by Jim Puplava

Its Global – Even The Brady Commission Revealed that in 1987

I have told the story how after objecting to the formation of G5 in 1985 warning that they would increase volatility, create a crash within 2 years (2.15 years), and destabilize the global economy, the White House responded that no one agreed with use about volatility would rise or this would lead to a crash. […]

Italy Turns Anti-Austerity & European Chaos Fills the Air

In Italy, the new government was sworn in as a pseudo-anti-austerity government which has the blessings of Berlusconi. There was an attempted assassination of politicians by an unemployed Talian, not that he was for austerity, but rather just against politicians. This is the rising trend that is starting to bubble beneath the surface. The ECB […]

Spiral Panic

QUESTION: “I would be interested in your answers to the following: 1. Why do diamonds not have a futures market? 2. What do you think would happen to the price of gold if there was no gold futures market? 3. Who do you think bought all the gold contracts that were recently sold?“ ANSWER: The […]

Correlations & Who Is To Blame

QUESTION: If the dollar rises, does that not mandate a gold decline or can they rally together? ANSWER: Although everything is cast in this world as some sort of direct cause and effect, that is our problem associated with linear thinking since it just does not work that way.The world is really dynamic and that […]

Back to the Future

Of course Back to the Future was the name of a very popular series of movies. But in reality, Einstein believed that the Future, Past, and Present were all simultaneous. That is a hard concept to get you brain around, but the FUTURE is indeed merely a repeat of the past – no different than […]


Stimulated/Austerity No matter what culture we talk about, it always fights the last war. Germany is scared to death about hyperinflation since that was its experience after the Communist Revolution in 1918 during the early 1920s. The United States has been scared to death about another deflation as in the Great Depression and chooses to […]

QUESTION: If Gold is a hedge against the Governments, and the markets are never wrong, given that its in a downtrend since 2011, can question that the Governments (especially the West) have been doing the proper things this time frame / or following an evolution path?” ANSWER: It depends on what you call “proper”. Everything […]