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Corzine & Futures

“Martin, I have worked in the futures market for 20 years and what a great business! Unfortunately, Corzine turned up and destroyed our “Sleepy futures operation and hell.. what do they know….. I am an ex GS CEO…”. – Let me tell you for the record, he bought Greek bonds in size in 2010!! “Mr […]

Failure to Understand the Commodity Market

Some people are just so hung up on this idea of selling paper gold they only try to explain the decline as false caused solely by paper shorts. Sorry – it does not matter! That is the nature of all futures markets. It is merely another twisting of facts to try to explain why a […]

Myth of the One-Sided Trade

I can think of nothing more than the single greatest nonsense that has frustrated me for decades – the MYTH of the ONE-SIDED TRADE. As I have stated at seminars around the world, there is this prevailing myth of some HUGE short position that forces the market down. In gold, there is the mythical short […]

Metals Still Poised For Major Decline? How Markets Really Move

The support on the June Gold is 1403 both intraday and on the close. A break of that area will begin to warn of further weakness. Keep in mind, that even going sideways into next week is a weak bullish trend that would forewarn of a serious change to the downside thereafter.The shocking aspect of […]

Metals Data Calculation

We have been using the CSI Perpetual Contract. Friday that showed: Future #867 GC21103P: Perpetual Contract® of Gold-COMEX(Floor+Electronic Combined), Future #867 GC21103P: 20130419, 201308, 1396.1, 1425.1, 1388.4, 1397.2 Future #868 SI21103P: Perpetual Contract® of Silver-COMEX(Floor+Electronic Combined), 20130419, 201307, 2336.5, 2384.0, 2299.7, 2304.1, 2304.2 The great difference between the time used for the open outcry and […]

Inflation v Deflation Definitions

Question: if the world goes into deflation around the 2016 date, how will commodities                  rise??  ( hoarding ) How will they pay the mines without a money system?? Answer: There are several types of inflation such as: (1) currency inflation whereby prices rise NOT because of an increase […]


Both gold and silver are flirting with key numbers for today’s close. In gold it is 1405 and in silver it is 23.21. Closings BELOW these numbers today leave these markets still vulnerable to a further drop for the next 2 weeks. Keep in mind that the intraday low was Tuesday in gold at 1321.5. […]

Beware of Studies & Statistics

The interesting thing about studies, has been rarely are they unbiased. Errors are also highly common, which is one reason why we go for the raw data and standardize everything in house. Quite frankly, you just cannot rely on government, think tanks that have slants, or academics who rely upon grants. Back in the 1980s, […]

All Mirrors Have been Banned From Washington & Brussels

All mirror must have been banned from Parliament in Brussels and Washington, DC because the majority of these politicians REFUSE to look at themselves straight on for fear what they might look like. They talk among themselves and ONLY see their point of view like the Gold Promoters who live in denial claiming the declines […]

The Next Seizure Coming – U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

All the information we are getting is this is very real. There is almost $20 trillion in pension funds. That would pay off the national debt at $17 trillion. These people are actually discussing a FORCED loan whereby they will take over all pension funds to “protect” us with bureaucrats who know nothing about managing money. We […]