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Biden Ahead in Polls?

Joe Biden is surpassing rival Donald Trump in the polls by 7x, but not in America. Ukraine is eager to see a Joe Biden re-election as he is the only candidate who wants to continue sending the country billions upon billions in funding. The Counteroffensive/Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted the first poll questioning Ukrainians […]

Elon Musk Partners with World Economic Forum

I like Elon Musk for his innovative mind and willingness to speak out against the establishment. Is he part of the controlled opposition? I did not believe it to be true until his recent dealing with the World Economic Forum. Musk himself deemed the ESG policies of the WEF to be “satanic” only one year […]

RFK & Trump a Triumvirate Winning Ticket

Let’s face the facts. The position of Vice President is far from the limelight. Rarely do you hear about a Vice President making policy except to line their pockets, as Biden did in Ukraine. I am proposing a Triumvirate arrangement where the 2024 winning ticket would be for RFK Jr. to join Trump not as […]

Documentary: Unsustainable ‘The U.N. Agenda For World Domination’

While there has been a new Documentary floating around that insists everything is a conspiracy from chemtrails to the UN, the danger with such extreme positions is that it becomes cover for those really behind the curtail with their agendas. Throw everything in, and it becomes so overwhelming they get to call everyone who ascribes […]

Necons should be Tried for Treason

My sources have confirmed that not only did Russia make a stop in Cuba, but China is also present, and they are constructing spy installations to watch what is going to take place, especially with our elections. Most likely, they will put missiles in Cuba in retaliation for this Proxy War to conquer Russia. Guess […]

The French LEFT Erupts in Violence over Le Pen

The French LEFT is rioting over LePen’s victory in the first round. This is what we should expect in the United States, for regardless of who wins the election, neither side will accept the result. The West is crumbling for politics has become so polarized that civilization is no longer viable. This is what 2032 […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Crash of the Century – To be or Not to Be

PRIVATE BLOG – Crash of the Century – To be or Not to Be Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The Vanishing Money to Ukraine – Ferrari Sales Great for Ukrainians

Corruption in Ukraine? You will be shocked!!! Watch till the end!!! Please share. — Diana Panchenko ?? (@Panchenko_X) July 1, 2024

Coffee and a Mike Interview: Trump/RFK Could Form 3rd Party

The British & EU Elections – A Prelude to US?

COMMENT: Marty, I am really impressed how Socrates even had a Double Directional Change in the British pound for election day. What it shows for the US elections seems to be a critical turning point. This is the most interesting system ever created. All the best JK REPLY: There is no question that the sweeping […]