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More Funds Go Missing in Ukraine

Ukraine hosts one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The West and NATO have provided Ukraine with billions in funding but have been unable to track where the money is spent. They do not investigate where the money is spent because they also lack ethics and are only concerned that the war wages […]


QUESTION: In the video that you just share about the Model, you explain that you programmed Socrates to look at the whole world and “analyze” (this is key) the word analyze, if I understand programming a computer is a a bunch of If then or For Next, how do you program a computer to “Analyze” […]

The Goths – Ancient Rome’s Migrant Crisis

The globalists refuse to declare the migrant crisis an “invasion,” but we have history’s guidance to show us what happens when an unsustainable number of people enter a nation. The Goths, a non-military group considered migrants, are a perfect example. These men, women, and children sought refuge within the Roman Empire. This was not an […]

Socrates’ Political Forecasts

Many government officials around the world look at our political forecasts, which are done by our computer and are not influenced by personal opinion or bias. These were our projections for the 2016 election. As you can easily see, this is all data-driven. The computer has a political database from around the world; all correlated […]

The Fix is In – Trump Goes to Prison

Let me explain something very important. George Soros’ son has come out and said that Trump would not go away unless he is in prison. I am not at liberty to say at this time, but the FIX IS IN and Trump will be imprisoned in the Washington, DC case. That is the plan. Soros […]

McDonald’s Bets on China

My humorous post about McDonald’s celebrating Davos with the McKlaus bug burger deluxe was a pretend advertisement, for now, but McDonald’s is a World Economic Forum partner. This is relevant as McDonald’s is the second-largest private employer in the world. Their chains run across 100 countries, in nearly 40,000 stores, serving about 69 million customers […]

Argentina to Permit Provinces to Create Own Currencies

COMMENT: It is apparent that you are advising Argentinian President Javier Milei on economic theories. You said at the WEC that we would eventually see local currencies. If you are not informing him directly, they attended the WEC. He even warned about irresponsible provinces resulting in inflation. That is what you explained. DA REPLY: I […]

World Economic Forum is Greatest Threat to Humanity

Klaus Schwab is a notorious control freak. He is applying that trait to the entire world. His World Economic Forum has issued its 2024 “Global Risks Report,” where he has now declared that the NUMBER ONE threat to humanity is no longer war and Russia’s invasion of a pretend sovereign state, terrorism, or even disease […]

The Superbowl – Sports – War – Economy

COMMENT #1:  Hi Marty, I always like when you point to cycles in fields other than economics as well. It has been just over 31.4 years since the Detroit Lions won a playoff game. Prior to that, it had been about 34 years (8.6×4) since they won a playoff game, the 1957 season championship (not […]

Polish Trucker and Farmer Protests Nearing Resolution

Ukrainian goods are flooding into the European Union through neighboring nations and undermining business. Poland-Ukraine relations have turned sour in recent months as both truckers and farmers from the former believe EU regulations are favoring Ukraine’s economy over their own. Truckers in Poland began blocking four ports of entry from Ukraine in November. Polish farmers […]