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Beware the 8th Decade

  QUESTION #1: Marty, I watched Kim Inverson on the 8th decade of Israel and the legend that it will fall. There is nobody more qualified than you to speak on this subject. What do you think? Rob QUESTION #2: Hello, Ever hear of the Curse of the 8th Decade? It deals with Israel and […]

The Central European Snowfall is on Par with the 1970s/1980s

Nobody wants to really talk about climate cycles. I can personally confirm that the snowfall in Munich appears to be worse than in the 1970s when I was there. In fact, I was snowed in the Frankfurt airport TWICE when the snow was so heavy, you could not even get a cab into town. I […]

The Hypocritical Financial Markets

  QUESTION: I was told I should not listen to you because you manipulated the world economy with the bankers, and you were an adviser to BCCI and managed money for Saddam Hussein and Qadaffi. When I asked if you manipulated the world economy, then why invest against you? There was no reply. I watched […]

Fauci to Testify Before Congress

Pandemic orchestrator and former NIH Director Anthony Fauci is set to testify before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on January 8-9. Fauci has yet to appear before the 118th Congress for his involvement in the pandemic as his legal team successfully delayed the hearing for nearly a year. “Americans deserve trusted public […]

COVID-23 First Announced

Here we go again – the World Health Organization has requested information from China in regard to a new respiratory illness and clusters of pneumonia in children. Chinese authorities are blaming the lack of COVID-19 regulations/lack of continued government control in the name of public health. The WHO said that the “influenza-like illness” is comparable […]

The Shift to the Middle is Coming

All the media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called “FAR RIGHT” as if they are Nazis. Never in all my years have I ever witnessed the mainstream media so FAR LEFT that they are destroying the very foundation of civilization, and they do not care. The […]

Germany the Crisis in the Making

COMMENT: Marty, Germany is following your forecast, and even the courts just ruled that moving money from one designated purpose to another is unconstitutional. When will Germany wake up? Ukraine is destroying Europe, and they were the culprits that blew up the Nord Stream to hurt Russia but did more economic damage to Germany. Then […]

The 80-Year Cyclical Theory v. the Economic Confidence Model

The concept of cycles is becoming accepted in Western culture. Recently, people have been honing in on what they deem the 80-year cyclical theory that marks a major shift in humanity. While this may be true as it takes a few generations to change society, they are not incorporating the additional nuisances associated with the […]

6th Grader Lauren Arrington Shows Curiosity is Everything

  I have told the story before that when I was doing my reach early on at Princeton University’s Firestone Library, I became friends with a professor who had known Einstein who taught there. He said to me that I reminded him of Einstein. I was shocked because I was not making new theories in […]

Pro-Palistinian Protests

QUESTION: Well, you projected a Middle East war two years ago. Do you see this escalating to the entire region? HGW ANSWER: You are witnessing pro-Palestinian protests on a grand scale. They are applying so much pressure; even Obama is distancing himself from Biden, and there are Democrats starting to push for him to withdraw […]