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Dow Breaks the 20,000 Barrier

While every story you read from the press is negative about Trump and one in every three California residents supports the withdrawal from the union, according to a new Reuters report, the stock market is pressing to new highs now that Trump is in office without being assassinated by Democrats who refuse to be American […]

Woman Fined for Pouring Coffee Down Sewer

Sue Peckitt, 65, poured a cup of coffee down the street drain and then threw the cup in a public garbage can. The police then gave her a ticket for 80 pounds. She appealed to have the unbelievable fine overturned and was told to pay up. The police told the press that her act of pouring the coffee down the […]

Dow Going into Inauguration

The intraday high was established on January 6th in the Dow at 19.999.63. We elected a Daily Bearish Reversal the very next day, which warned that we are moving lower in a cautionary move leading into the inauguration. The rumors of boycotts to assassination attempts are abound. Many are worried that Trump will be killed before […]

Clinton Global Initiative – Core of their Foundation is Closing Down

The collapse of the Clinton Foundation is in full swing demonstrating that this was all really about selling influence. Given the bad press for the Clinton Foundation, combined with Hillary’s loss, has sent her political donations running for the hills. The Clinton Global Initiative was their pretend centerpiece to which they claimed its goal “convenes […]

South Carolina to Tax Porn Downloads

States are simply going bankrupt and in the process, they will become very nasty and aggressive. In South Carolina they will introduce a bill for the legislative session that will begin in the new year that will require all manufacturers and sellers of computers and other internet-capable devices to install porn-blocking software on all their products. If […]

Dow For Wed December 14, 2016

We are pushing up against the next resistance level. We need to close above 19970 to imply we will break through the 20k level. It does not yet appear to be ready to burst through the 21K level. Nevertheless, the next main target is still in the 23k level. That is what we have to […]

Update on the Dow – Private Blog

Private Blog Update on the Dow

Hungary Cracks down on Syrian Refugees

Last July, Hungary’s polls showed that the people will NOT accept more refugees. Hungary’s Premier Viktor Orban was told his nation could be kicked out “forever” after “seriously” breaching basic values of the EU. He built a razor-wire fence along Hungary’s southern border to keep migrants out and even told Brussels to help Christian refugees before Muslims. He […]

Trump’s Victory Speech – I will Not Let You Down


Dow Jones With A Trump Victory

Our computer projected a reaction rather than a change in trend. In the Dow Jones Industrial cash Index, the major support lies down at 17330 area. The technical support lies at 17283 for next week as well. Many will expect the reaction to a Trump victory to be the same as BREXIT. Our computer is […]