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Socrates Project – Best Kept Secret

QUESTION: Marty; A friend of mine is an analyst at one of the major banks in New York. He said they are not allowed to forecast some things as you said. He used to work for a European bank and did say it was much worse.  He said everyone who is anyone reads you. He […]

Premiere of The Forum (Davos)

I attended the premiere of The Forum last night and got to meet those “elite” they spin such conspiracy theories about. Interestingly, the film will be released to the general public on the turning point of the ECM – January 18th, 2020. Most people have no idea that the World Economic Forum, which Nigel Farage […]

London Court Rules 1MBD Hearing Will Be Public

Malaysia won a MAJOR victory in a London court that will allow public hearings in the notorious 1MDB case where Goldman Sachs facilitated what is alleged to be the fraud of the century. In this case, Abu Dhabi’s state investment fund is in a legal battle over how billions of dollars intended for Malaysia’s economic […]

North Korea – Famine & Civil Unrest

One of the reasons North Korea has such a large army is not patriotism. Those in the army are fed before everyone else. North Korea has always had a major problem — growing food. From a timing perspective, 72 years from the birth of the 38th parallel brought us to 2017. The War Cycle involving […]

Germany to Separate North v South by 2030

QUESTION: Martin, Following the recent State elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia which reflected voter disillusionment and discontent with the CDU and SPD how do you view the German political scene to the 2021 Federal election? JR REPLY: Bavaria came into existence in 1806 when Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire. It was at this […]

The Risk of War between Pakistan & India

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your model which forecasts the start of rising tensions between Pakistan and India for 2019 has been absolutely correct. What do you see now going forward? KED ANSWER: The history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan began on August 14, 1947 (1947.619) when the country became an independent nation within the British […]

Misrepresenting Our Forecast for the Start of Big Bang 2015.75

COMMENT: I find it really shocking how people are slandering you claiming you forecast that 2015.75 would be the collapse of everything instead of the peak in governments and the beginning of the decline and fall. You have made that very clear that this was the turning point to begin the change. It was the […]

Public v Private Waves

QUESTION: Hi Marty. I am confused about the nature of the private wave we are currently in versus the public wave beginning in 1932. Does that mean governments will be more predominant in starting in 1932? This seems contrary to your many statements that the governments today are fighting to maintain control. Thanks, GP ANSWER: […]

Bail-In v Bailout of Banks in USA

QUESTION: Might you clarify this response you gave on one of your very recent blogs. You said bail-in may NOT be permitted on US soil. Did you mean that despite the laws written in the USA to allow it, you don’t think it is likely to happen to USA citizens banking in the USA? OR […]

Will Hillary Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? WK ANSWER: I would say yes. I know that the big Democratic donors are yelling they will not fund Warren. Hillary has been cagy, but the coup against Trump is in full motion. The FBI just came out of the blue to say they exonerate Hillary. […]