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Spanish are Migrating to Germany for Welfare

Germany and its austerity policies that have been forced upon the rest of Europe with no sense of how to create economic growth for the future, is now experiencing a interesting side-effect of the Euro. They did create freedom of movement and the right to social benefits throughout Europe as a EU citizens. They did […]

ECB Admits Depositors will Bailout the Banks

ECB openly asserts that the banks must be saved by the depositors – not bailouts. That means the faulty design of the Euro and the utter failure to create a single debt making all bond issues of member states reserve quality forces the political failure of Europe to properly design a monetary system now the […]

The Dow

There have been a number of questions about the Dow and isn’t it a major high when the central banks are buying? No! There is a huge problem in the reserves of nations as this is why there will eventually be a massive short-covering rally for the dollar. Google dollar devaluation and what you see […]

May – Tis the Season for Protests in Europe

The May protests in Europe are going by the slogan “fight against the king in Brussels”. Politicians are clueless. All they see is retaining their jobs at the expense of society and everything within it. There is no thinking out of the box. If they do not blink, they are risking the collapse of Europe […]

Interest Rate & Deficits – The Real Crisis

Many academics are truly amazing. They talk in circles, assume they are far above everyone else, and thus pontificate from the Ivory Tower without ever stepping foot out the door. There is a growing  consensus that deficits no longer matter. WHY? Because they cannot explain how government has run persistent deficits yet nothing has happened. Therefore, […]


The rise in taxation is driving costs higher, yet simultaneously lowering economic growth long-term We call this STAGFLATION because you get the worst of both worlds – rising prices with lower economic growth. Germany is headed into recession and their austerity policies have created massive deflation, high unemployment, and increased the pressure to cause the […]

Germany wants Global Taxation Cooperation

The German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble wants to globalize tax collection with greater international cooperation to hunt down everyone and everything. He says government (ECB) has done everything right! This is the deflationary side. Yes, on the one hand they monetize and the other they reduce disposable income furthering recession. This is ALWAYS how empires die. […]

Corruption in Government British Report shows it is Widespread

A report compiled by the British Parliament illustrates that the level of outright fraud and corruption within government are greater within the EU than the EU Commission cares to admit. The entire problem is government pretends to be democratic but it is anything but. Until we end career politicians, there will be no hope. […]

Your Emails Can be Seized No Problem

Recently the American Civil Liberties Union under a Freedom of Information Act request got internal documents of the IRS that take the position that the IRS maintains it can read American citizens’ emails without a warrant. As always, the government agencies ALWAYS interpret their authority as broadly as possible with no regard for any constitutional rights. The […]

The Right to Privacy

The government is moving rapidly toward eliminating paper money. Take a $100 bill to Starbucks or CVS and they look at you strangely. They say most people pay with cards. They rarely have change. From the government perspective, absolutely everything you buy and where you are is now tracked and retained historically. They no longer […]