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What a Difference a Day Makes

It was only a couple of weeks ago when people were telling Joe Biden quietly how he could end his campaign with dignity. He lost to a gay guy, a devout communist, and a fake Indian. Hang in and win South Carolina, and if Super Tuesday went against him, bow out gracefully. Behind the curtain, […]

Super Tuesday

Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota have dropped out of the race after behind the curtain lobbying. Klobuchar and Buttigieg both endorsed Biden, which was no surprise. The Democrats are doing everything to prevent Bernie from becoming their candidate. The plot still thickens for the scuttlebutt remains that if they can stop Bernie […]

Politics & the Bernie Effect

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Like everyone else that has let you know…thanks for the call before the drop! My question pertains to the possibility of the slingshot….as this drop so far has only reached just under 24,700 on the downside, how far down would we need to go to get everyone bearish enough to throw in […]

Politics & the Great Awakening

QUESTION: Marty; I understand you do not support either side in politics, but what happens if the Democrats split? KW ANSWER: The Republicans were opposed to Trump when he was elected. You had people like John McCain who refused to even allow him to speak at his funeral. Once upon a time, the Republicans and […]

The Rich v Oligarchs

QUESTION: Hello Martin, You have said ‘the rich get richer by investing’; and as well, you’ve said ‘governments are always corrupted’. What history shows (and many of us have learned) is that ‘big money’ is especially adept at manipulating government for its own advantage. Currently, we call this ‘regulatory capture’. (This includes ‘judicial’ capture). The […]

Demonizing China & Russia – A Covert Means to Justify War?

QUESTION #1: Mr. Armstrong; The latest conspiracy is claiming that the Chinese are behind the coronavirus and it was a biological weapon. The new twist is the claim there is a “Gain of Function” attribute they engineered. The claim now asserts that there is peer-review citing a study Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) entitled, […]

Bernie’s Victory Inspires a Panic Next Week?

Just to let everyone know, since more than 50% of our clients are outside the USA, we have a very international reach with sources around the globe. Get prepared for volatility next week. Despite the Democrat’s personal hatred of Trump, the international view is that Trump is the ONLY sane leader in the world right […]

Is Bloomberg a Dangerous Threat to the American Constitution?

QUESTION: Wasn’t Bloomberg part of the manipulation of the US Treasury Auctions at Salomon Brothers? JF ANSWER: No, he sold out to Phibro and was not asked to stay on. In 1973, Bloomberg became a general partner at Salomon Brothers, where he headed equity trading and, later, systems development. In 1981, Salomon Brothers was bought by Phibro Corporation, […]

The 2020 Elections & the Coming Violence

Democracy is dying and it just looks like we have to go into the crash and burn. President Trump won more votes than any incumbent ever in history in New Hampshire. His rallies attract more people than any other and in most cases, all others combined. The Democrats have adopted such a left-wing agenda that […]

The Economic Confidence Model & the Shift in Trend

While we took the back cover of the Economist for 3 weeks during July 1985 to announce the beginning of the Private Wave stating that the dollar had peaked (followed by the Plaza Accord 6 weeks later), the ECM has been remarked on around the world for its turning points. Money Week even got the […]