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Why America Faces a Civil War – There is no Alternative

This election is unlike anything ever before. The Democrats lied to the people promising they will create jobs without mentioning that they are in league with the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset as is Canada for Agenda 2030 which has to first destroy as many jobs as possible. What the Democrats are doing […]

How Our AI Computer Forecasts the Failure of Schwab & World Economic Forum

I find it really interesting how Klaus Schwab champions the 4th Industrial Revolution and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the world so we have to help shape it by destroying what we have to design the Great Reset. Only an academic would be that arrogant. The AI system I designed was from being a […]

Is there a Way Out?

QUESTION: Martin, I live in Canada.  Our PM had our former finance minister take the fall for their blatant corruption, is blocking and tackling every move to bring it to light and is turning our parliamentary government against the people, working to crush the economy, impose lockdowns, raid our government-mandated employment insurance funds to provide universal […]

Democrats Claim Mandate to Alter the Economy & 3 Whistleblowers from Software Company Allege they stole 38 million votes from Trump

Nancy Pelosi claims that Biden’s victory gives the Democrats a “MANDATE” to alter the economy as they see fit with just 50.5% of the popular if that. This proves that Biden will NOT represent everyone – only the left! I have warned that this has been their agenda from day one. Now, three whistleblowers from […]


  QUESTION #1:  Hello Mr Armstrong Here in Germany, many more doctors are rising up against this COVID  pandemic. They have written to Merkel, but she does not listen. I am starting to think you are right. She has been bribed. HC REPLY #1: This just makes no sense. She has put even the German […]

Does Trump Have Something Up His Sleve?

QUESTION #1: Hello Martin Do you think that Trump has something up his sleeve in regards to the election? I cannot see him conceding when he knows that there has been outright, in your face ballot fraud. He doesn’t seem like the type of man who would walk away from a good fight. If he […]

Postponing Elections – The Plot Thickens

German Elections Postponement Here is the Wissenschaftliche Dienste report and it concludes if there is an epidemic, then they can postpone the elections. What is significant here is that they were even asked for an opinion. “The postponement of an election date once set within the time corridor can occur due to special, extraordinary circumstances. […]

American Are Ignorant of What the Real Plan Is

COMMENT: You are correct. Americans are ignorant of what is taking place in Europe. The new law states everything except work was forbidden: “walking, having fun, singing, dancing, meeting, everything was forbidden … ” This is about reducing society to mere existence. GF REPLY: People have no idea what this agenda is all about. I […]

No Biden Has not Won – The Electoral College Votes December 14

Mainstream media is naturally proclaiming Biden won. They may think they now run the country, but they do not declar5e the President – that’s the Electoral College. Trump has not conceded and with all the fraud with a razor-thin victory for Biden, he should not. Just in May 2020, a Judge confessed that he took […]

There are TWO MAJOR types of People who Want to be President

COMMENT: For months now you have been saying that these elections will be the most corrupt ever (‘Our Model still shows a Trump Victory if it is a legitimate election’). Trump is repeating this message as well and obviously his voters have been indoctrinated as well. So far, no evidence whatsoever, just heating up emotions. […]