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IRS Seeking Agents Willing to “Use Deadly Force”

The enhanced police state is turning tax accountants into the Gestapo. The IRS was forced to remove its job description after creating a buzz across the internet. “As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes,” the job advertisement stated. “No matter what the source, all […]

IRS Staff and Audits Will Multiply

The Inflation Reduction Act will waste $430 billion and will do absolutely nothing to curb inflation. Around $300 billion will be spent on climate change initiatives. Clearly, that is not going to curb inflation, and paying farmers incentives for reducing emissions still does not change the fact that the current methods are the only way […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2022

ASIA: China’s consumer inflation could soon surpass 3%, CICC said. A global inflation wave that has largely bypassed the world’s second-largest economy may eventually hit prices there. Consumer price inflation in China has remained relatively low compared to soaring costs seen elsewhere as demand remains squeezed by strict Covid control policies and sporadic outbreaks. China’s […]

Market Talk – August 1, 2022

ASIA: China’s manufacturing PMI fell to 50.4 in July from 51.7 the previous month, according to media reports on August 1. That was below market analysts’ expectations of 51.5 for July, but above the 50-point index that separates growth from decline, they added. . Market analysts said the decline was a result of weakening economic […]

Capital Controls in Europe Have Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Marty, I was trying to wire money from my bank account in Italy to the one in the UK, just to realise that I can no longer transfer more than 6,000EUR per month. The Soviet EUSSR is in full capital controls mode. I am missing the beauty of Italy every day, but I […]

The LEFT is Violating the Foundation of Law

  There have been some bad decisions by the Supreme Court, such as Dread Scott and allowing the Japanese imprisonment during WWII. But never in the history of the nation has what is unfolding over abortion ever taken place, which is in itself, a confirmation that our computer is forecasting that the United States will […]

Unemployment Growing Among Chinese Youth

Unemployment among the youth (16-24) in China has reached a record high of 18.4%. Unemployment is drastically more prevalent in this demographic compared to the nation as a whole where unemployment sits at 5.9%. Youth unemployment tends to be higher in most nations, with the US posting a 7.8% unemployment rate for the youth and […]

The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning?

QUESTION: Will you explain what Socrates foresees for after 2032 at this year’s WEC in November? I’m more concerned about my grandkids. A lot of people seem to be plagiarizing you these days. But all they have to offer is an opinion and we all have opinions. Socrates has been the only thing that has […]

Feminine Product Shortage Fuels War on Women

Essential feminine products are in short supply. A few girls I know laughed and said that they could have told me this a year ago before the topic reached the headlines. One complained that she traveled to three different stores to find her preferred brand. A shortage of cotton and plastic items has led to […]

The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

  The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the […]