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Europe & Japan Going Down the Toilet

Question: “Europe along with Japan look like they are preparing to be flushed down the toilet,” would you anticipate their equity markets to be flushed down the toilet as well.  (Not necessarily a crash, but a very large correction). ANSWER: NO! This is part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. I was speaking politically ONLY – […]

What Will Happen on March 1st Sequester – NOTHING!

Obama is trying desperately to paint the picture that the end of the world is here and that hundreds of thousands of government employees will be thrown out on the streets. From his mouth to God’s ear, as the say. Unfortunately, God is not listening and all we have is more bullshit on top of […]

No Government Has Ever Survived a Debt Crisis !!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have routinely seen themselves as […]

No Government Has Ever Survived A Debt Crisis!!!!!

Question: Has any government ever survived a debt crisis? The answer to that is ABSOLUTELY no. This is simply how government always die and we do not speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Chinese, or Ancient Babylonian. They have ALWAYS, and without exception, used the same Obama Logic going on right now. They have […]

Constitution of the United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.   Article. I. […]

Are We Headed Toward Another French Revolution?

I have been warning that the objective of modern government everywhere is to eliminate cash to ensure 100% tax collection. There is absolutely NO INTENT to return to a gold standard and give up the ability to borrow whatever they desire forever (as they see it). It is now coming out that France intends to […]

Capital Flows as Reported by Central Banks Can Be Distorted.

The numbers for Japan in December would imply on the surface that capital inflows took place rather than outflows yet the yen declined. There are serious problems with the way  governments track capital/trade flows. They do not actually monitor anything but cash movement. This is a throw back to the fixed exchange era when if […]

Philadelphia DOUBLING Property Taxes & Self-Interest

Philadelphia must have waited for Obama’ State of the Union speech for today out comes the news they fully concur the rich should pay for everyone. Of course their definition of the rich seems to be anyone now with a job and a home. All property taxes are DOUBLING or more in the business and […]

Strange Events

Just after the Pope announced his resignation, Saint Peters at the Vatican was struck by lightening a few minutes past 6PM. This is now being herald as proof that the last Pope will arrive according to St Malachy’s forecasts. I remember when there was the assassination attempt on the last Pope. The markets went dead […]

Asia – War Is It On Time?

I cannot stress how serious things are in Asia all because the USA is now seen as impotent thanks to the debt. China and Japan, along with North and South Korean troops at the DMZ, are clearly on high alert. They are just one small incident away from letting the bullets fly. Armed combat and tensions […]