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Monthly Closings Today

In gold, a closing below 16960 will shift this market into a neutral position. Next month, 16700-16900 will become initial resistance.The major support lies at the 15400-15700 area. In silver the major support is in the 26-2700 level. A closing today below 3070 will keep silver in a neutral to bearish mode. Major resistance stands […]

Glossary of Money Terminology

  Aes Rude – Earliest form of Roman money whereby lumps of bronze traded by weight due to its utility value to be used to weapons or tools. Aes Grave – Early Roman bronze coinage that was cast into standardized coins with a recognizable image. Aes Signatum – Broze Ingots with an idealized intended weight […]

Fed – No Surprise – The Next Bubble

If anyone thinks that the Fed does not know in advance what is happening with the numbers, well you must be from another planet. Just hours after the Commerce Department reported that there was the first decline in quarterly GDP in 3-1/2 years, the Federal Reserve announced it was maintaining its policy of near-zero interest […]

Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency?

Can the World Really Abandon the Dollar As A Reserve Currency? By Martin Armstrong Throughout history there has always been a dominant currency. As each empire became the new financial capital of the world, their currency became the most prized and tended to circulate around the globe into even the fringe economies that they may […]

Parking v Investing

There are two distinct trends that we have to divide and conquer to fully understand what we are dealing with (1) Parking capital and (2) Investing Capital The motives behind each are totally different and this goes in part to also the question of the “reserve” status of the dollar. There is the dollar as […]


The U.S. economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended.We are looking at the net effect of Obama’s Voodo-Economics. Yes, the US economy was hit by the biggest cut in defense spending in 40 years, fewer exports and sluggish growth in company stockpiles. The decline occurred despite faster growth […]

What Makes the World Tick

It is interesting how people are married to a single idea and from that position they attack anything that negates that belief. The object of research is to DISCOVER causes and effects – to not support a predetermined outcome. Anyone can do that by selecting isolated data points. For centuries people assumed that all disease […]

The Solution?

Comments have already poured in regarding hyperinflation. A new report on Japan the Tipping Point will deal with the worse fiat monetary system in history. That should be ready shortly. Everything follows a bell curve. Some regulation is necessary to establish rules of conduct to provide the reason to come together to form society. But […]

SEC New Chief – Mary Jo White

Mary Jo White is from NYC. There will be no change at the SEC. She was a prosecutor for US Department of Justice in Southern District of New York and is familiar with the practice there of changing transcripts of what takes place in court, see US v Zicetello, She never prosecuted the bankers. The […]

Here We go Again – Hypreinflation

I really do not understand why people insist that HYPERINFLATION must take place. That ASSUMES government will print to meet its unfunded obligations rather than just change laws and fail to meet promises. They are cutting entitlements already. Yes Rome debased its currency to the point that its worth was 1/50th of its former value. […]