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France Looks Worse than Greece

The French actor Gerard Depardieu has left France and was publicly ridiculed for not wanting to turn over 75% of his wealth. Gerard has fired back and is clearly pissed-off how he was treated in France and sent an open letter to the Prime Minister. He writes that he paid EUR 145 million taxes in 45 […]

Beware 2013

The one resounding thing that emerged from this world tour and holding conferences in US, Asia, and Europe, was that there is a universal rising tide that realizes something is seriously wrong. In having our computer forecast every market around the world, the benefit was that the analysis is the same, without emotion, and void […]

The Markets

Gold has been unable to get through the Bullish Reversals in the 1800 area. Even our Quarterly Bullish stands at 1955. The Daily Bearish is 16880 and a close below that will signal a test of support first at the underlying Minor Weekly Bearish found at 16480, 16160, and 15795.Once again, it is timing that […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis = Banking Crisis

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is of profound importance. What is grossly being overlooked is both the exposure of banks to sovereign debt in Europe as well as Japan. In the case of the former, France has more exposure than all of Europe combined. The French have actually proposed lowering the retirement age from 62 to […]

Political Self-Interest Defeat Pegs & Standards

Whenever government gets involved with the value of a currency, trouble begins. You cannot flat-line a currency while everything else floats. The Europe is in trouble and separatists movements are popping up in a lot of places because the Euro was created in a half-ass manner trying to create a single currency with multiple autonomous […]

Why Standards Have Always Collapsed

Once again people are confusing a GOLD STANDARD, which is the FIXING of a price for gold, with the fact that gold is a TANGIBLE value that is freely floating in value. The former never works while the latter has been in place for thousands of years. See Political Self-Interest Defeat Pegs & Standards

Manipulating the World Economy

Manipulating the World Economy by Martin Armstrong posted November 26th, 2012;Copyright all rights reserved Manipulating the World Economy is what governments and bankers have been desperately trying to do. The entire foundation of the “New Economics” of which Paul Volcker mentions in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle, was to create a flat line in […]

Francisco's 'Money' Speech from "Atlas Shrugged"

Rearden heard Bertram Scudder, outside the group, say to a girl who made some sound of indignation, “Don’t let him disturb you. You know, money is the root of all evil – and he’s the typical product of money.” Rearden did not think that Francisco could have heard it, but he saw Francisco turning to […]


The two critical questions on this tour have been what about the Hong Kong-Dollar Peg and the Swiss-Euro Peg? The answer is simple. NEVER in history has there ever been any PEG or STANDARD that has ever survived. Why? Because “shit happens” meaning there is a business cycle that incorporates weather and climate changes as […]

USA Has Peaked as did Britain in 1914 & The Sun is Setting Rapidly on the American Empire

The one thing on this global tour that is pouring out of the seams is just how much the United States is seen as a dictator & bully to the rest of the world refusing to respect territorial jurisdiction. In every country I have visited, I have been embraced as an American Political Prisoner. Everyone […]