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Married to an Idea – The Dow & Elliot Wave

In trading, the first primary rule is: Do not marry the trade! This is what destroyed Japan. Because of the accounting rules Japanese investors did not have to report a loss until they took it. That rule (not marked to market) led to the Japanese holding losing positions until they cried blood from their eye […]

Has Greece Bottomed?

Copyright October 22, 2012 Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved Has Greece Bottomed? We have witnessed extraordinary events coming out of Greece. There is little doubt that its bonds are now rated as junk. However, there is a lesson to be learned from the 1931 Sovereign Debt Crisis. After each nation defaulted and was relieved of […]


Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved 10/15/2012 The Rising Tide of Currency Protectionism The Currency War The front page of the Straits Times for Monday October 15th read: “Emerging economies lash out at US stimulus” Indeed, Bernanke yelled at these economies saying they should let their currencies rise to fend off the capital inflows to […]

The Risk of Low Interest Rates

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved October 13th, 2012 The Risk of Low Interest Rates Analysis is dominated by simply opinion and therein lies the problem. Economics has become nothing like a science. In physics, one observes and then determines the “LAWS” as to how the universe functions. In the field of Economics and Finance, […]

Phase Transition

The most serious problem we face has been the Marxist-Keynesian presumption that government is even capable top manipulating the economy. Paul Volcker in his 1979 piece Rediscovery of the Business Cycle, address this nonsense stating that effectively the collapse in the Gold Standard that was followed by the 1974-1976 Recession defied this notion about “New […]

Dow Jones Industrial Update from Singapore

The Dow has backed off along with gold. The support to watch right now lies at 13200. A daily closing below this area is necessary to signal a shift in trend back to retest support. We will be looking at the Weekly levels on this tomorrow,

Iran & The Fate of the Middle East

 The Iranian Rial The Iranian Rial has come under tremendous pressure. Internally, the currency is depreciating in purchasing power at an astonishing rate. Internationally (illustrated here), the Rial has fallen generally to the 123.50 level from the 79 to the dollar level back in 2003. Internally, the Rial has just suffered one of the most […]

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World   One of the most significant advantages of gathering historical information on the rise and fall of nations throughout history, has been the discovery of the true nature of the world economy and its interactions with mankind. Nothing lasts forever. There are four seasons to […]

Weekly Update

Tensions Continue in Greece Tensions in Greece mounted over Greece’s impending need for more financial aid and its plan to make additional budget cuts in order to qualify for aid.  Both internal and external pressures are squeezing the Greek government.  Hundreds of thousands of Greek workers staged a strike Wednesday to protest the anticipated new […]

Berlin Conference December 1 & 2

  The European World Economic Conference Berlin, Germany December 1st & 2nd, 2012 STEIGENBERGER HOTEL BERLIN Los-Angeles-Platz 1, 10789 Berlin, Deutschland Telefon +49 30 2127-0  Telefax +49 30 2127-117 E-Mail How to Survive the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Droughts & Global Warming, and Global Correlation of Worldwide Investments One Day Sunday only $750 Two Days $1,500 […]