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Only a Fool Invades Russia?

Let’s get something straight. There have been countless attempts to conquer Russia, and they have all failed over the course of 1,000 years – yea – 1,000 years! The invaders encountered different incarnations of Russians as well. There were the Ancient Rus, the Moscow Tsardom, the Russian Empire, and most recently, the Soviet Union. The […]

Big Oil v. California

Chevron can no longer remain profitable in California, where politicians fail to understand the impact of reducing fossil fuels without a reliable alternative. The company has already pulled back hundreds of millions in spending in California over the past two years. Chevron’s Q4 filings proclaimed it needed non-cash write-downs and is expected to report non-cash […]

NATO Gifts Ukraine $5.5 Billion in Patriot Missiles

NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4 million (batteries not included). NATO is bypassing the wishes of independent nations who wished to cease funding the war. Defense contractors are celebrating this endless war. Raytheon, a […]

What Will the Fed do in 2024?

Everyone wants to know what the Federal Reserve will do in 2024. Of course, people want to believe that the Fed will slash interest rates in the New Year. The pundits cling to every word except when, at the start of the month of December, Powell boldly criticized the Biden Administration, saying that his outrageous […]

UN: Natural Disasters Do Not Exist

The globalists at the United Nations need the masses to believe that they are solely responsible for the changing climate. They cannot usurp power and modify our way of life if the masses do buy into the climate change agenda. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has declared “natural disasters” to be […]

January 2024

Believe it or not, on New Year’s Eve, we still celebrate the ancient Roman religion/myth of Janus, who presided over the beginning and end. So one face looked at the past and the other the coming new year. In fact, January is named after Janus. He also represented the beginning and end of the conflict. […]

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is Destroying the United States

I have previously warned that this hatred of Donald Trump is absolutely destroying our nation. Special counsel Jack Smith disclosed in court filings that he retrieved data from former President Donald Trump‘s smartphone and intends to use it in the trial. This is just astonishing. Smith has revealed that he extracted data from Trump‘s smartphone, […]

States to Deem Silver and Gold Legal Tender

Several US states are considering legislation to reclassify gold and silver as money rather than commodities. Bills filed in Oklahoma and Missouri aim to eliminate state capital gains taxes on the sale of gold and silver, and to treat these metals as currency. Other states like Arkansas and Utah are also considering introducing similar legislation. […]

Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM  

An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the temporary gap is wider than 60 Earths and extraordinary at this stage of the solar cycle. This phenomenon, known as a coronal hole, took shape […]


Just as the Nativity story unfolds with a sense of anticipation and promise, the financial world too experiences its own cycles that we explore together every day on this blog. We have witnessed seasons of abundance and periods of restraint akin to the volatility in the markets. Through it all, the message remains clear — […]