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Market Talk – April 25, 2019

ASIA: The bank of Japan announced they plan on keeping interest rates low until the spring of 2020, as weaker global demand and Chinese-US relations were taking a toll on the export reliant economy. China today announced that a French warship had entered the Taiwanese strait earlier this month. In a surprising move by the […]

German Car Sales Collapse

COMMENT: I am a senior exec here in the German auto industry. I attended your Berlin conference. I just want to say your ECM is remarkable. Our industry has seen a decline in auto sales since the middle of 2018 right on schedule. It looks like it will be a hard landing here. This Brexit […]

Market Talk – April 23, 2019

Asia: Chinese coffee company Luckin filed papers for an IPO in the U.S. This is a big move for the Starbucks competitor, and follows other China-based companies who have listed in United States (Alibaba, Baidu, etc). The company is only 18 months old and has demonstrated fantastic growth with plans to open 2,500 additional shops […]

European Politics

QUESTION: Will you be covering BREXIT and the May elections since Nigel Farage will be speaking? What about your forecasts on civil unrest? It is really starting to surface here in Europe. Thank you MU ANSWER: Yes. Politics is critical because this is reflecting the shifts in confidence that will drive the markets. We are […]

Market Talk – April 18, 2019

Asia: Amazon announced they will shut down its China marketplace business, effectively ceding the market to Alibaba and The business will wind down in July, giving ample time for sellers using the services to transfer to other providers. Amazon does plan to continue to support “cross-border” business – that is, importing goods into China […]

China & Buying Gold – Why?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe you said at the WEC in 2017 that central banks will diversify and increase their gold reserves going into the currency crisis coming in 2021. China has continued to increase its gold reserves. You would please update on that development. Thank you PK ANSWER: Central banks are in a very […]

Market Talk – April 15, 2019

ASIA: Jack ma, head of the Chinese giant Alibaba, was criticized today after stating that the 9am  to 9pm working day was “blessed” claiming it was the driving force of China today. In the Venezuela crises, China has been criticized for backing and bank rolling current unapproved President Maduro by US secretary of state Pompeo. […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2019

Asia: Recent figures show that Chinese trade with the U.S. has slumped. The figures suggest that the trade between the two countries is down 11% since the beginning of the year. China’s own internal figures are good with the country exporting 14% more in March and imports falling 7%, further increasing their trade balance. The […]

The Treaty of Rome & 2020

QUESTION: I believe back at your 1985 WEC, if I remember correctly, besides the 2016 target for the first opportunity for a third party type president, you also gave the date 2021 for the potential breakup of the Treaty of Rome. Could you refresh my memory on that one? See you in Rome Thanks as […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2019

Asia: The World Bank president stated today that there is too much debt in the world, and finger pointing has turned toward China for lending trillions of dollars to other countries. This of course does not factor in that much of its holding debt is issued from mature countries, such as the U.S. In the […]