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World War III – It’s Inevitable

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is safe to say that nobody can hold a light to Socrates. Nobody has forecast war three years in advance as you did in 2011. Nobody has predicted a Middle East War in advance as you did two years ago. Even your posts on Turkey and its conflict with NATO, […]

Market Talk – October 30, 2023

  ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 294.73 points or -0.95% to 30,696.96 Shanghai increased 3.77 points or 0.12% to 3,021.55 Hang Seng increased 7.63 points or 0.04% to 17,406.36 ASX 200 decreased 54.00 points or -0.79% to 6,772.90 Kospi increased 7.74 points or 0.34% to 2,310.55 […]

Did Socrates Predict the 2014 Gaza War?

Biden has been escalating tensions in the Middle East since he entered politics. In 2013, then-Vice President Biden used his favorite line: “If there were not an Israel, we would have to invent one to make sure our interests were preserved.” Now, our models noted that the beginning of the global conflict we are facing […]

It’s Just Our Turn

  This is not my only source about terrorist cells moving into the USA because Biden has opened the borders. The open border has had two objectives. Democrats in Texas are already pushing that illegal aliens should be allowed to vote. They are being joined nationally and Biden will do an executive order to allow […]

Biden: If There Were Not An Israel We’d Have to Invent One

For those wondering if the US is using Israel as a vassal state, simply look at what President Biden has been spewing since the 80s. “If there were not an Israel, we’d have to invent one,” Biden first said during a Senate session in 1986 after sending Israel $3 billion. Straight from the horse’s mouth, […]

The Unfolding Recession & The Coup

QUESTION: Mrt. Armstrong, Socrates has been a real lifesaver. It is refreshing not to have someone spinning their political views into everything. Socrates called for the high in GDP here in 2023 and that the high took place in May. Here, we have Biden creating money without regard for fiscal responsibility. Socrates has shown the […]

Tyson Foods to Use BUGS to Create Our Food

The climate change psy-ops has simply gone too far. Schwab’s World Economic Forum has become like a cult declaring our last days are ahead unless we abide by asinine laws. Those promoting the Great Reset have said countless times that WE will begin to eat bugs to save the planet, and meat will no longer […]

The Last World Economic Conference?

Question: Mr. Martin Armstrong. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and Socrates. I rely on your models that have yet to steer me wrong when decoded. Your post was quite alarming. I purchased tickets to your conference and have been in communication with others that I have met throughout the years at these events. Everyone […]

Prosecution of Trump Starts Global Contagion Using Criminal Charges to Prevent Elections

As we head into 2032, the United States has shown the world that you can rig elections using criminal law. I reported how Argentina was bringing criminal charges against the opposition simply for saying, do not save pesos because the currency is collapsing. Thus, the government has turned that comment into a crime. In Brazil, […]

Israel v Palestine – Military Power

Let me begin by stating that Palestine does not have a military. The terrorist group Hamas contains between 30,000 and 40,000 fighters, but only a few hundred are believed to have received proper training. Hamas does not have an air force or any naval power. In contrast, Israel has one of the most advanced defense […]