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Chicago Tribune Calls for Hillary to Step Down

Headine:  Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside I fully agree from my “opinion” perspective that Hillary is a disgrace and she should step aside and Joe Biden should be the Democratic Candidate. Americans have “become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, […]

East Coast Internet Hubs Down with Cyber Attack

There was a massive cyber attack on one of the main hubs for DNSs traffic on the east coast, bringing down several websites, some including Amazon, Visa, Netflix, and Twitter, to mention a few.

Empire Strikes Back – US Shuts Down RT in London & Wikileaks

UK Nat West Bank has seized all bank accounts of Russia Today (RT) to end their broadcasting, according to its editor-in-chief- Margarita Simonyan who took to Twitter to announce: “They’ve closed our accounts in Britain. All our accounts. ‘The decision is not subject to review.’ Praise be to the freedom of speech!” RT says that […]

Dow Looking Forward for Week of 10/17/2016

Apparently, there are a lot of people calling for a crash in the stock market as usual claiming it looks just like 1987. Sorry, there is nothing of that magnitude showing up at this time. We did elect one Weekly Bearish Reversal back at 18368. However, the main bank of support lies at 17710 followed […]

Gold the Meltdown – Private Blog

Gold the Meltdown – Private Blog

Deutsche Bank – The Meltdown Crisis

Ten of the large hedge funds are withdrawing from Deutsche Bank. What must be understood here is that Deutsche Bank is the main clearing house for trades in Europe. The problem the hedge funds have is where do they move for clearing? Short-term, they can move to New York or London. With over $60 trillion […]

Private Blog Update for Dow Jones Indistrials

Private Blog Update for Dow Jones

Is the World Political Economy Melting Down?

Many people have asked are we collapsing as did Rome? The answer is absolutely YES. Like Rome, the state always turns against its people as its need for money always expands. Like the Romans, we have lost our independence, our integrity, and our freedom. The world political economy is melting down before our eyes as […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]

Swiss Real Estate Turning Down

It was inevitable that the Swiss market would turn down once it surrendered its banking advantage. The flight from the euro help to mask that decline and transformed it into speculation. Now in Switzerland, we have reach record highs for the past 15 years in vacant single-family houses and apartments reaching 56,518 according to the Federal […]