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Europe – How Bad Can This Get?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I’m based here in South of England, within the commuter belt into London. The ECM forecasts an economic downturn 18.01.2020, and Europe looks to be at the epicentre. My own research tells me the job cuts in the auto sector in Germany are quite severe. How does all this play out after […]

Sweden – How Bad can it Get?

QUESTION: SOS from Sweden: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Please take a look at Sweden. I know you can not look at every single country but Sweden would be interesting since it is the country were socialism has gone farthest in the world and totally crazy. One of the most well-organized countries in the world with the […]

Trump’s Polls Not Affected by Impeachment

What is really driving the Democrats crazy is that they still refuse to comprehend why Trump was elected to begin with. He was an anti-career politician. Even the Republicans did not get it. This impeachment nonsense would stick ONLY if the people actually believed that Biden and Hillary were honest and Trump was wrong. But […]

WEC Tickets – Verifying if We Have Seats Available

What happens when the ECM turns down, civil unrest rises, and capital flees during a pending liquidity crisis? Find out at the "alternative to Davos!" Click below for more information.

Hong Kong & the Continuing Protests

There is no question that the rioting in Hong Kong has been violent as protesters even set cars on fire. Business is very concerned for as this continues, it does threaten the shift of the financial hub to Singapore. We have clients on every side of this issue over here as we have three offices […]

The Dollar Shortage & Liquidity Crisis?

The NY Federal Reserve announced last week that they will continue their repo operation until October 10th, 2019. The repurchase agreements will amount to up to $75 billion per day. Additionally, they plan to offer three two-week repo operations of up to $30 billion each round. The constant intervention of the Federal Reserve into the […]

WEC Our 40th Year Anniversary

Interest rates are already going nuts. There is dissent in the European Central Bank; Draghi is being replaced. The Canadian elections are a few weeks away. Metals are raising the hopes of many, while the currencies are trapped in a maze of uncertainty. The Bank of England is saying Brexit should not be delayed. US-China […]

The 2020 Elections – Economics v Career Politicians

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Been reading your blog for six years now and the clarity you have brought regarding cycles and predictability of human behavior is remarkable. My question is regarding the 2020 election. You have said economics drives politics and not the other way around. With the anticipated significant decline in the US economy in […]

Reversals – Energy – A Different Dimension

QUESTION: Hi Marty… I’ve been reading your blog for several years now. I’ve been trying to understand the basics about your reversal system is with no luck. Yet I’ve been trading stocks with only simple trend lines for years using basic tech A. PS I still don’t even understand how the Federal Reserve works either… […]

Computer v Influence

QUESTION: Do you think that Cambridge Analytica actually had any influence in creating BREXIT given the controversy that they were hired but then not? Can such influence actually change elections? DK ANSWER: As Nigel Farage noted at our Rome WEC in early 2019, our computer forecast BREXIT when nobody else did. Our computer does not […]