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Zelensky – The Madman of Ukraine

The bias of the Western Press is just unimaginable. I reported previously that our contacts in both Serbia and Hungary were reflecting overwhelming support for Putin and Russia. The press can’t report on anything honestly and calls Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor an “authoritarian” or a “nationalist” because anyone who dares to go against their agenda […]

Market Talk – April 1, 2022

ASIA: China’s factory activity slumped at the fastest pace in two years in March, a private sector PMI showed, as the fallout from the Ukraine crisis and resurgence in domestic coronavirus cases hit external and domestic demand. The outcome was in line with Thursday’s official data showing activity in Chinese manufacturing and services simultaneously contracted […]

Nigel Farage: Trump Was Right Again

German delegates openly laughed at former President Donald Trump for demanding energy independence and warning that their nation would become completely reliant on Russian energy. “Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation,” Trump stated clearly. Now, Germany is issuing warnings that an energy crisis is on the […]

Hunter Biden’s Laptop – Funding Bioweapons in Ukraine

Hunter Biden’s Laptop is the gift that keeps giving. It has now surfaced that Hunter did help finance a US military ‘bioweapons’ research program in Ukraine. This is confirming that Putin’s allegations are in fact not totally propaganda. This is being confirmed even by the London Daily Mail. Little by little the truth ALWAYS surfaces. […]

Do you Prefer Lies or the Truth?

  QUESTION: You seem to be anti-American. Are you on the right side of history? DL ANSWER: Over 50,000 Americans died in vain for the Neocons and their lies in Vietnam when Communism was collapsing all by itself. I suppose you are the type that is your best friend is having sex with your partner, […]

The ECM & March 14th

There are so many events that took place on the ECM turning point it is hard to cover them all. Aside from the fact that this target will most likely also see the first interest rate rise by the Fed signally that this trend has changed, the SEC came out in full force warning about […]

Market Talk – March 15, 2022

ASIA: India will issue at least 240 billion rupees ($3.3 billion) in sovereign green bonds as the country marks a shift towards a low-carbon economy, Reuters reported. The debut sale may take place in the first half of the fiscal year that starts on April 1, and a decision to sell more green debt will depend […]

Market Talk – March 14, 2022

ASIA: Japanese authorities ordered crypto exchanges on Monday not to process transactions involving crypto assets subject to asset-freeze sanctions against Russia and Belarus over the war in Ukraine. The Japanese government will strengthen measures against the transfer of funds using crypto assets that would violate the sanctions, the FSA and the Ministry of Finance said […]

Biden Tough on Border Policy — Not America’s

The Biden Administration is willing to shell out over $10 billion to secure the border – the Ukrainian border. On top of this, Biden is offering Ukraine $22.5 billion in aid for pandemic-related expenses. All of this is in addition to the $350 million spent to protect Ukraine’s borders, and the $1.4 billion spent on […]

Euro – ECB – Ukraine

Euro – ECB – Ukraine THURSDAY, 10 MARCH 2022 BY: MARTIN ARMSTRONG The European Central Bank is doomed. It has not raised rates as I have warned, they are trapped by their own stupidity. Lagarde has confirmed what I reported previously that they would reduce their balance sheet by buying less debt from governments. The sanctions […]