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What if Russia Nukes Kyiv?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, In the event that Russia does employ nuclear weaponry in/over Ukraine, does Socrates offer any insight as to what effect that might have on Ukrainian food/energy/commodities -production in general (…. let alone their capabilities, or likely lack thereof, to transport, said items from fields/mines/etc. to harbors/rail-lines/etc.); and what type of effect […]

War itself is a Crime – it is legalized mass murder

The Ukrainian people WRONGLY believe that Putin is their enemy. You are looking in the WRONG direction. The Ukrainian people had better overthrow Zelensky fast before they lose their entire country and could come by April 26th. The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, just confirmed that he could care less about all the civilian […]

The Collapse of the Monetary System – a Comedy of Errors

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be differencies between countries like Germany and Switzerland for example? Especially regarding pension systems. I asume, there might be big differences by countries. Many thanks and best regards, RZ ANSWER: […]

Zelensky the Man to Destroy the Future of the Entire World

Germany is now also debating to reinstitute the military draft. I warned from the outset that Zelensky was nothing more than an actor and he was handed the role of a lifetime to pretend to be the head of state of Ukraine and everything he said to get elected was an outright lie. There is […]

Military Tactic – Demonizing World Leaders to Create War

Some people have accused me of being a Putin Supporter, which illustrates just how brainwashed they actually are.  In war, you must demonize the leader of your opponent to fire up the people to convince them they should die on the battlefield for honor and privilege. This is a military strategy. They demonized Sadam Husein […]

The West Instructed Zelensky – No Peace Agreements

I have been warned that my sources have constantly been whispering, and growing to yell and screaming, that the Biden Administration and NATO have been pushing for Ukraine to sacrifice all its people to weaken Russia so they could later come in for the kill. They were doing so by instructing Zelensky he was not […]

Market Talk – February 7, 2023

ASIA: Taiwan will speed up the development of drones for military use, considering the lessons of the war in Ukraine and the threat posed by China, the island’s defense ministry said on Tuesday. Unmanned aircraft have played a crucial role on both sides since Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February last year. […]

Biden – His Creative Destruction of America

COMMENT: Marty, I know you no longer want to work in Washington. Honestly, your experience is greatly needed. Everything you said that this braindead administration is pushing China and Russia together when Nixon had divided them is coming true. The WSJ has even reported that China is aiding Russia in Ukraine. With all due respect, […]

Zelensky & a $35 Million Estate in Florida?

COMMENT: So, I guess after Zelensky destroys Ukraine, he will join you in Florida at his $35 million dollar estate in Miami. WK ANSWER: I have zero respect for Zelensky. I believe he is a vile person who is destroying his own country and he will be given a free ride by the US to […]

Market Talk – February 2, 2023

ASIA:   The IMF has warned that an abrupt change in Japan’s ultra-loose monetary regime would have “meaningful spillover” effects on global financial markets, underscoring the need for the Bank of Japan to clearly communicate about its future policy. IMF’s first deputy managing director Gita Gopinath called on BoJ to take a flexible approach to […]