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Trump Won the Popular Vote Excluding California

California is being used to justify handing the crown to Hillary despite the fact she conceded claiming she has 2 million more votes for her. But California is where her margin was 3.7 million over Trump. That means Trump beat Hillary even in the popular vote in the rest of the nation excluding California by […]

Vulgar Explanation of the Trump Victory

This maybe vulgar, but it is actually very true and on point.  

Trump Update on His First 100 Days

So far, he appears to be doing what he said he would do. Quite a Novel Approach

Hillary Tells Supporters to Effectively Revolt Against Trump

Hillary Clinton in her first public speech since losing the election at the Washington gala for the Children’s Defense Fund,told people to fight against Trump and effectively has encouraged her supporters to revolt. She said: “I ask you to stay engaged. Stay engaged on every level. We need you. America needs you. Your energy, your […]

Anti-American Protesters Storm Trump’s Office

#firebannon protest at @USGSA #trump transition offices with @IfNotNowOrg #jewishresistance #dc #dcprotest — Vivian Ward (@KendrasPersonal) November 17, 2016   The anarchy continues as the anti-democratic protesters storm the offices of Trump’s transition team. These people are intolerant of anyone else who disagrees with them and it is clear they would rather turn the […]

Trump is Asking for Your Suggestions – Interesting – Let’s See

The election may be over, but our work is just getting started. In 61 days, we begin our mission to Make America Great Again! As I’ve said so many times before, I will not be able to do it alone. I’ll need you to step up and play an active role in fixing our country […]

Is Trump our Savior or our Destroyer?

While people keep criticizing Trump’s tax plan saying the wealthy will get more back by lowering the top bracket from 39.6% to 33%, all they focus on is class warfare. Trump’s tax plan collapses the seven federal income tax brackets into three, reducing the top marginal rate from 39.6% to 33%, and lowers the corporate tax […]

Trump Fires all Lobbyists – Keeping His Word & More

Trump is keeping his word so far. He has admitted that he was part of the problem paying lobbyists to get preferential treatment. As they say, if you want to catch a thief, you hire a thief. In this case, Trump has really been on the other side and admitted he even paid Hillary to […]

Trump on Syria    

Trump Tackles Student Loans

Trump has proposed capping student debt at 12.5% of their income and a debt forgiveness at 15 years. Yes this will cost something, but it is the only way to unwind the unfair practices of the Clintons, who made student loans non-dischargable in bankruptcy. But then the shifty bankers had often parents cosign the student […]