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The Biden Administration Deliberately Destroyed Our Capacity to Produce Energy

  Everyone who voted for Biden will continue to see their future utterly destroyed. The climate change people are deliberately destroying the capacity to produce energy without any alternative in place. The word from DC is that they “do not give a sh-t” about the people. They want to destroy our ability to produce fossil […]

Population & Social Security – Civil Unrest

QUESTION #1: Dear Martin and AE Team, Thank you for everything you do and have done for us, the little people. My question is this. As you/Socrates have predicted the fall of governments on a global scale, along with the collapse in confidence, of which I am the poster child for, I was a lifelong […]


COMMENT: Marty, I want to thank you so much for the WEC. Perhaps you will consider doing one that is streamed in the middle of this craziness. I have listened to many analysts. But you are head and shoulders above everyone. Only you called for declining economic growth, rising inflation, and rising interest rates in […]

EU Internal Battle = Separatist

  The sanction imposed on Russia is an economic version of a nuclear war spearheaded by the United States without any consideration whatsoever. The United States was energy self-sufficient under Trump. Biden has taken every step to end fossil fuels and has had the audacity to turn to OPEC to ask for more supply while […]

The Fed & The Collapse of Socialism

QUESTION: Been following Martin since 2008 (Gold ride) – he is the only one who has been right AU and AG top 2011. ****Important question for Martin, please How can the fed raise rates with governments owing so much debt please ???? what are the consequences of debt restructured? 100 year treasury real estate Thanks […]

Plastic Bag Ban

COMMENT: The grocers near me have banned plastic bags. Off timing. Grocery bills are more than I’ve ever seen ..ever. I wont buy as much if theres a few bags per trip. We are lucky to own our homes. Climate change or the food crisis? I see it as a new distraction since they talked […]

The Refusal to Understand Economics

Once upon a time, I use to respect The Economist. I even took the back cover in July 1985 to announce that the Economic Confidence Model was beginning a new 51.6-year Cycle that was a Private Wave that would ultimately peak in 2032. I boldly announced the bottom in gold and the peak in the […]

Musk v Gates

Elon Musk destroyed Bill Gates over the weekend after texts between the two were leaked to the press. This may be the first time someone has put Bill Gates in his place and publicly shamed him for his hypocrisy. Per usual, Gates had his hand out looking to “discuss philanthropy possibilities” with a fellow billionaire. […]

Macron Won – One Giant Step toward World War III

Of course, Macron won amid allegations of vote tampering. If a ballot was torn in any way, which seems to have been those of Le Pen, they were just discarded. There was NO POSSIBLE WAY that the EU would have allowed Le Pen to win for she would have upset the EU and gone against […]

UFOs – Real or Fake?

QUESTION: I’m just curious. President Jimmy Carter said that he saw a UFO which was reported by the Associated Press in January 1978. There are countless reports of UFOs for decades. Some say they have been around for thousands of years. Does Socrates have any ability to confirm or deny such things? FG   ANSWER: […]